How Low Can You Go

Last post of 2011!

>> Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hey party people! I hope that all is well in your neck of the woods. This is my last post of 2011. You all read about what I did in 2011. This post I will focus on what I want to accomplish in 2012.

1. Get under 200 pounds and hopefully to 172.
2. Try Crossfit and maybe TRX , I love trying new exercises anyone have any ideas? I have tried Zumba, Pilates, aqua fitness, hot yoga, pole dancing, what else is there?
3. Find the love of my life. Or at least someone to spend time with until he comes along.
4. Pay down at least 2 out of the 5 pieces of debt hanging over my head.
5. Run as many races as I can this year ( I think I ran 5 this year). Take my 5 k time to under 33 minutes, my 10k time to under an hour and four minutes and my half marathon time to under 2 hours and 31 minutes.
6. Make more money

There we go! Simple yet satisfying.

I am not looking forward to the next few weeks at the gym. It will be packed with "new year's resolutioners", oh well things will be back to normal by March break, it always is.

I wish you all the best. A very happy New Year, see you in 2012 (hopefully less of you ;) ), for more blogging, more workouts and more fun.

Love you to pieces!

My Top 10 Workout Songs of 2011

>> Thursday, December 29, 2011

I love end of the year round up's. I went through my iPod and looked at the top songs that I listened to. Since I mostly listen to my iPod at the gym, these are my top 20 most listened to songs of the year;

1. Down On Me --Jeremih feat. 50 cent
2. Beggin -- Madcon
3. F**k You -- Cee Lo Green
4. Party Rock Anthem --LMFAO
5. Moves Like Jagger-- Maroon 5
6. Mr. Officer-- Vybz Kartel
7. The Show Goes On-- Lupe Fiasco
8. All of the Lights -- Kanye West
9. Born This Way -- Lady Gaga
10. Just Can't Get Enough-- Black Eyed Peas

What do you think of my list? Any song you would add?

2011: What a Great Year

Hello! First, I would like to welcome all my new followers. Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog, it really means a lot to me. This has been my second year blogging and it continues to be such a positive experience. Last year I created 300 posts and this year I am close to 200. I went and took a look back on the highlights of this year:

- I went to Trinidad and Tobago in February 'played mas' and partied hard (take a look at the February posts for some great pics)
- I ran my first 10 k race in January and since then have completed 2 more races bringing my time down to an hour and four minutes.
-I ran my first half marathon in May (one year after starting to run). This was definitely the highlight of my year.
-Tried Pilates for the first time.
-Tried hot yoga for the first time, fell in love and completed 30 hot yoga classes in 30 days in November.
-Saw Prince in May
-Tried pole dancing, don't love it but I was willing to try it again.

I am happy to say that I am nowhere near the 238 I was at when I started the blog two years ago or even 272 that I was at back in 2008. I am still reaching to get under 200 and hopefully reach my goal of 172.

I haven't been to the gym yet today. I am suppose to run tonight but it is -15c (feels like -26c so I think that I am gonna stick to the gym. I think that I am going to go to spinning and sweatshop class.

Have a great day!

Bad, bad, bad....

>> Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yesterday, I stepped on the scale at 217.6 starred back at me. Here we go again. I am just going to get back at it. The other bad news is the half marathon race in February is sold out. I am so sad. I put myself on the waiting list, but I know that it doesn't look good. I am going to sign up for the Ottawa Half that is happening in May this weekend so I am not disappointed.

Yesterday, I went to Pilates class (that shit is hard) and I did 30 minutes on the step mill and 30 minutes run on the treadmill, I finished with 15 minutes of arms. Today, I went to spinning class and did 15 minutes of running and 20 minutes of weights.

Tonight we are suppose to run 6 k with the group but the weather outside is bad.

In other news, I went to see the new Mission Impossible and it is really good. If you like adventure go check it out.

Have a great day.

Spring Chick Challenge For 2012

>> Monday, December 26, 2011

This challenge is hosted by Stormy@Big Butt Theory and will start Jan 2 and end March 19th 2012.

So here are the focus points for this challenge:
Commit to a NSV (non scale victory) to be assessed at the start and the conclusion of the challenge.  
For example it could be:
losing inches
improving your 1mile time
fitting into a pair of your used to be favorite jeans.

My goal will be to fit into a size 12 piece of clothing or smaller. I have NEVER owed anything in a size less than 14

Commit to a set of nutrition parameters and track via MyFitnessPal or Sparkpeople or WW. Whatever tracking works for you. IF you are on maintenance and do not really track. What nutrition goals do your have?
How many calories daily or weekly?
How much water will you drink daily?
What items, if any, will you limit?

I will aim to drink 2 l of water a day, keep my calories under 1750

Commit to a set of exercise parameters. These can be as loose or as flexible as you feel work for your personality, schedule, etc.
Think variety.
Start small and build.
Try to incorporate a variety of exercises as to avoid boredom 

I will try and do some sort of activity everyday. I will complete my half marathon in February in under 2 hours and 31 minutes ( my last time)

Commit to blogging at least twice weekly and 1 of those times must be you check in with a complete up date on your progress. All other blogs could include new insights, results of weekly challenges, or just letting others know how you are doing.
Commit to support... both giving and receiving. Check others blogs and comment as you feel motivated to do. 

No problem here we go!!!!

I'm Scared

Tomorrow is weight in day and I am scared. Last week I was at stellar 212. I hope it is not more than 217, after all the merry Christmas eating. I am off work two weeks so the plan is to try an work out twice a day. Last Saturday (Christmas Eve) I ran 14k with my running group and it was good ( considering I haven't run in almost three weeks) the only problem is that I need warmer socks and gloves. My hands were so cold in my Dollar Store gloves (did I mention that it was -14c?) we're not working and I had to borrow the mitts of a girl whose hands were sweating. I finally decided that I am going to sign up for the Half in February.
Today was a good day, gym opened at 1 pm so I did 15 minutes on the step mill, 15 minutes of arms and a spinning class.

Hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Have a great week!

I Give The Best in Me in Everything I Do

>> Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas blogger family!

Last Tuesday I was at 212, but now it is the holidays so I have relaxed a little. I ran 14k yesterday in -14c and let me tell you that it was no joke. Memo to self that I need some warmer socks and gloves. Tomorrow another group is going out to do another 14k depending how I feel I will join them.

Have a great day!

All is Well With Me Now

>> Thursday, December 15, 2011

      I was a no show at the gym yesterday.  I had to pick a friend up from the airport, then we went to dinner (we shared a salad).  We then stopped by a friend to wish her a happy 30th birthday, we had a small slice of cake. By the time that all was said and done it was 10:45 pm.  If I was still at the 24 hour gym I would have gone and done a quick workout, but my gym closes at 11 pm. Boo!  I came home and lifted a few weights following the Nike training app.  Tonight I am FINALLY heading back to my running group,  I am sure they think I have fallen off the face of the Earth.  We are running 5K tonight, then I am going to Sweat Shop class.

Tim asked what I have for breakfast during my liquid eating (I hate the word diet).  I usually have a protein shake; 1 scoop of protein powder, about 1 tbsp peanut butter (the only ingredient is peanuts), 1 cup almond milk (vanilla or chocolate). Delicious, filling and nutritious.

Ms. Bad Mama Jama asked, "Is body design teacher new to you? Perhaps, she was worried you would get a "newbie"..." when I talked about my teacher's comment, when she saw that I was lifting 8 pounds as my "light weights". All I have to say is that I always get that comment.  Everyone lifts 5 pounds as their light weight, so when they see someone lifting 8 pounds everyone goes cray.  I don't mind.

Have a great day!

I Am Proud of My Accomplishments and Goal

>> Wednesday, December 14, 2011

     Things are going well, I went to Body Design class and it was great.  My only comment is that I hate when people comment on the amount of weight I lift.  Usually when you take a weight class you have to have a set of heavy and light weights.  I usually take 8 pounds as my light and 10 pounds as my heavy.  I am strong, I may look a flabby in the middle, but I am strong.  I love lifting weights and I can really see a different in my strength from a few years ago.  I love it. Yesterday the teacher tells us to grab our light weights and I grab the eight and she says, "Oooooooooh, 8 pounds".  I don't know why that bothers me, but it does.

     I then went to spinning, which wasn't bad, I think I am going to try another teacher, because I didn't work up as much of a sweat as I would have liked to.  Tonight I have to pick up a friend from the airport so I do not think I am going to make it to running.  I have reserved a spot in the evening spinning class, so hopefully I will make up.

I Believe In Myself

>> Tuesday, December 13, 2011

  I am up 2 pounds this week at 216, but I am not surprised because of the debacle of food and drink over the weekend.  Like I said in the last post, I am sticking to a mostly liquid diet (soups, shakes, juice, tea, etc...)  for the next week or two.  I am pushing the envelop because I am just fed up of myself and I just want to be out of these damn 200's.
   On the gym front, I did 30 minutes on the StepMill and 30 minutes on the treadmill followed by 30 minutes of weight training.  Tonight, my goal is to do the Body Design class followed by Spinning (I have a reserved space today).

Have a great day!

I Am Achieving Important Goals Today

>> Monday, December 12, 2011

     Happy Monday bloggers!  This weekend was interesting.  On Friday I finally made it to  the gym. Woo hoo!  You know I really like the gym, just the feeling of being there lifting those weights getting all strong...I got in my hour of cardio; 30 minutes on the StepMill (I love that beast) and 30 minutes on the tredmill, I find running on the tredmill so boring (I would much rather run outside) so when I am on the tredmill I vary speedwork with incline stuff to really work up a sweat.

     Friday night, we went out for a friends birthday to a bring your own wine restaurant.  I am usually not a drinker, but one friend brought this yummy wine called Relax and it was so sweet and delicious that I had to have a few glasses.  We had a great time.  I had mussels with french fries and a creme brulee (I am a sucker for a good creme brulee).

Pic from the night

     I thought my night was over, but then I got a call to pick my friend up from the bus station because she come in from out of town.  She asked if I wanted to go out for our friend's boyfriend's birthday.  Since I already had make up on, I agreed.  We headed downtown and let me just say that these guys were ballin'.  Bottle service a la max.  The Grey Goose was flowing. The music started off questionable, but got really good quickly.  Then at 2:30 (remember clubs close at 3 am here), FOUR bottles of champagne come to the table!  BOO-YA!  Fun times all around.  I was in line to get my coat and the girl in front of me says, "I wish I had her boobs I wouldn't be cold"  I look around and realize that she is talking about me!  I guess I had a puzzled look on my face because her friend apologized.  I just laughed inside.

   Saturday was a bust.  I did make it to breakfast with friends.  Sunday, I finally made it to the gym.  I need to get all this crap out of my system, so I am trying to stick to a liquid diet for a few days, until I feel better.

For all you readers out there you have to read Snowflower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.  Amazing book!

Have a great day!

I am full of enthusiasm and vitality

>> Friday, December 9, 2011

   *Sigh* I had another fail of a day on the exercise front.  I had a meeting at work that finished late and then I had to head to the mall to pick up a give AND I was exhausted. For those of you that are counting that makes two days of no exercise, this is so bad for me, that I know that my weight has gone up.

I am dead set on getting in some gym time today.  I am going to try and leave work a little early and head to the gym for a bit.  I then have a bday dinner tonight.   I am so happy that it is Friday!

I Feel A Sense of Belonging and a Sense Of Rightness

>> Thursday, December 8, 2011

     Last night's workout plan was a bust.  I had to wait an hour and a half for the car service from my car company to get me to pick up my car.  I then had to go to a work function so there was no room for exercise.  This made me so sad.  Today is a new day, I am suppose to run 5k and then I am going to Sweatshop class at the gym.

I Celebrate Today By Looking My Best

>> Wednesday, December 7, 2011

     Hello blog world, as per usual my workouts never go to plan.  The spinning class was full, so I did 30 minutes on the Step Mill, the devil but I love it. Followed by 5 mins of the rowing machine (I wanted to try it out and realized that I am not a fan) and then I hit the elliptical for 25 minutes.  I had set out to do an hour of weight, but it turned into 30 minutes. In the last post LA asked about my weight training schedule.  Here is an example of a full body weight training schedule.  I usually do each exercise for 8-15 reps and I do 3 sets increasing my weight each time.

Whole Body Tight and Toned

  • bench press
  • chest flye
  • standing dumbbell press
  • bent over flye
  • one arm tricep extension
  • lying dumbbell extension
  • dumbbell front squat
  • dumbbell lunge
  • dumbbell stiff legged deadlift
  • hamstring curl
  • calf raise
  • bent over two arm row
  • seated hammer curl
  • standing reverse curl
  • dumbbell crunch
  • stability ball roll up
I do these one after another until I don't want to do anymore this can be 15 minutes or half an hour, or an hour.  Yesterday, I did the first 6 exercises in half an hour.

If you need instructions to any of these exercises you can google or YouTube them or just ask and I can post some pics.

As for my resources I like the Nike Training app for my iPod.

  I also LOVE Oxygen magazine and website.

 Muscle Fitness Hers is another favorite of mine

I also tend to check out for ideas.

I hope this helps.

Tonight, I will head to the gym for an hour (30 mins Step mill, 30 mins weight training), then have running we are doing 5 hill repeats.

Have a great day!

I Enjoy Good Health And Energy Today

>> Tuesday, December 6, 2011

  I weighed in today at 214! Yeah, 2.4 down from last week.  I am really working hard and I am really aiming for that first goal of 211.  Last night I didn't want to go to the gym after work, then I sat down and started reading a few blogs and motivation kicked in.  I read about all these people that are doing such great things and are trying so hard to lose weight and I figured that I had to go.  I swear the hardest part about the gym is getting there.  I was disappointed because the regular teacher of the Tabata class wasn't there.  I don't know about you, but I hate when I take a class with a new teacher and it doesn't meet up to the usual teacher's standards.  So I decided to do 30 minutes on the step mill and 30 minutes on the StairMaster.  I then went to Aero step class.  Today, I am going to an hour of weights (try and attack the whole body) and then spinning class.

Have a great day!

I Focus on Positive Thoughts and My Body Responds

>> Monday, December 5, 2011

 This has been a good weekend.  I raced in the 5K Santa Shuffle on Saturday, I had  a time of 34:25 not the greatest , but I attribute that to all the hills in the race.  I also ran 10.4K with my running group on Sunday.  The weather is still nice thankfully, so I enjoy the long runs, next Sunday we are doing 10k again.  I am going to have to start to walk with water and snacks because as the runs get longer, I get so thirsty and hungry.  I usually munch on these energy jelly beans, but I think that I am going to try different types of snacks and I will let you know which ones I like best. 
      I got the December newsletter from the hot yoga studio that I did the challenge at and they are going to start Community Classes for 5$ in the new year.  Once a week teachers' in training will give the class for 5$.  I am totally down for this because I really cannot afford the 17$ a class price.

Tonight, I am going to Tabata class, followed by Aero Step.

Happy Monday!

I Enjoy Good Health and Energy Today

>> Saturday, December 3, 2011

     I am done!  30 yoga classes in 30 days.  I am so happy that I did this challenge I have seen so many improvements.  My balancing is still crappy, but not as crappy as it was a the beginning. I did develop a little pain on my right side below my lower back but above my butt.  Luckily, we had a physiotherapist come and speak to our running group, I asked him about my pain and he said it could be from the daily yoga, specifically posses like pigeon.  Since Thursday the pain is much better but still present.  I will monitor myself for a week, if the pain persists I will go see a physiotherapist.

     I am now back at the gym.

For the month of November I accomplished my running goal of 68.7K, the goal for this month is 10% more which will be about 75.6 K. I can definitely do it.

Today I ran the 5K Santa Shuffle, the weather was great, no snow of ice like last year, but the hills in the race always kill me; the first 2K is all uphill, then another 1.5K downhill and the final 1.5 is uphill.  It is that final section that is the killer.

Hope that everyone is having a great weekend! 

I Focus On Positive Thoughts and My Body Responds

>> Wednesday, November 30, 2011

     I cannot believe that it is the end of November.  Where did the month go?  Tonight is my last 30 days of hot yoga class, I am so happy that I did it!  I think I am going to treat myself to a little something, any suggestions?  Maybe a 15$ iTunes card so I can download some new workout tunes or a lululemon headband?...Tomorrow I am going to do a final detailed wrap up.  In one of my posts from the last few days, Tim asked if I would do this again,  I would have to say YES!  I have really grown in my yoga practice and I do see improvements, not just in yoga but in other areas also such as weight training, running and general posture.

Hope that you all are having a great day!

I Have Faith, Optimism, and Perspective

>> Tuesday, November 29, 2011

     30 Day hot yoga challenge is almost done and I am caught up with all my classes (I pulled a double last night).  I have one class today and one class tomorrow and I will have done! 30 hot yoga classes in 30 days, woo hoo!!  On Thursday, two ladies from hot yoga (one of them happens to run with me also) and I are going to dinner to celebrate.
     I weighed in this morning at 216.4 yeah! Down from last week.  I am not going to get too excited, because I am still searching for 211 (that is the weight when I say that I have lost 60 pounds since March 2008, so I am always happy there).  From there I am going to work my way down trying to get there by the year end.
     I decided that I am going to do the half marathon in February and then another in May 2012 (I have to put my new shoes to work after all).

Thanks for reading!

I Welcome This Day Full of Opportunities and Challenges

>> Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Monday Mes Amis!
     What a weekend!  The 30 day hot yoga challenge is winding down to an end in the next few days, but my work is still not done.  Since I was away last weekend I have to make up for those four days that I missed, I have come this far I am determined to do 30 classes in 30 days.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday I attended 2 classes each day.  Today I will also have to do two classes and then I will be fully caught up.
     I went to a CFL Grey Cup party last night (CFL= Canadian Football League, think of it as the Canadian Super Bowl) and I was really impressed with myself, I enjoyed everything in moderation. I also ran 9k yesterday (oh crap, just remembered that I am racing on Saturday,  the Santa Shuffle 5k).  Good thing I got a new pair of shoes!!!!!  So excited.

They were on sale AND the store was giving 20% off, so I saved like 60$!

They are so comfortable and light.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend, catch you later!

Photos From Last Weekend

>> Thursday, November 24, 2011

All ready for a night out

The flash was SOOOO bright!  I look uber surprised!

Brunch the day after.

I Am Thankful For My Life As It Is Today

     What a coincidence that this is today's positive affirmation and it is Thanksgiving in the US.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING! To all my US followers, have a great day!
     Remember that episode of Sex and the City when Charlotte decides that she is going to tackle her dating life like a job?  Well, I decided that that is how I am going to tackle my workouts.  It is going to be like a part time job and I am going to give it 110%.  I have been slacking on the weight training since I have been doing the 30 day hot yoga challenge and I feel like I am losing my strength, so I am going to start back doing a bit of weight training daily, even if it is 20 minutes. 
     I entered a holiday weight loss challenge:

Dates: November 23rd - January 4th (6 weeks)

Plain and simple, biggest loser style, it will be % of body weight lost over the holidays. This competition should serve as a reminder to everyone to mindful of their consumption over the holidays. Moderation is key!

If you are looking for a challenge check it out!

My Starting weight is 218.2 (yeah I am going back down), let's see 6 weeks, 2 pounds per week would make 12 pounds leaving me at 206.2 and 5% body fat lost at the end of the 6 weeks.

I am back to running tonight doing a cool 3k and then I am heading to hot yoga.  I am getting sad because the 30 day challenge is almost done and I don't know what I am going to do with myself.  The good news is that a few months ago I bough t a Groupon for 20$ for 30 days of Bikram yoga, so I think that I am going to try and challenge myself AGAIN in the month of December, but this time try and go 6 days a week instead of everyday.

I have been paying really close attention to my food intake, trying to get more vegetables and protein and less cupcakes.  This year have a student from Northern Quebec that hunts caribou with her family and they brought me caribou meat because I expressed interest in trying it.  This weekend I am going to stir fry that baby and let you know how it tastes.

Have a great day!

Today, I Am Taking Control of My Life

>> Wednesday, November 23, 2011

    Thank you for all your kind words yesterday.  I really appreciate your support.  I picked myself up, dusted myself off and headed to Athletic Training followed by hot yoga last night.  Since I was away in Toronto I have four classes to make up so that I can say that I did 30 classes in 30 days.  I will be doing a few back to backs on the weekend to make that happen.  Because I have been busy with work I have not been running, it has been over a week.  I am going back tomorrow, luckily we are doing an easy 3k. I have to get back at it, because I have the Santa Shuffle 5K race the first weekend of December.

     As for food, I am going to try hard to write down what I eat, and plan my meals better.  Trying to stick to protein and vegetables for most of my meals.  I will have to get some fish to season and cook for lunches next week, as well as prepare my yummy quinoa stuffed peppers (I added the recipe at the end of this post).   I also have to get back into the habit of drinking water I find that I am really not getting enough water.  I drink about a litre a day, when I really should be drink double that minimum.

A for the scale, I am sorry but that is one thing that I cannot let go for now.  I have to get on each morning to check my daily "progress", when I get back down to 211, I will then proceed to lighten up a bit and step on every other day.

Wish me luck!

Quinoa-Stuffed Red Bell Peppers
1 pepper (237 cal)
For all my Weight Watcher folks each pepper is 4 points!

2/3 c quinoa rinsed and drained
6 bell peppers
1 tbsp olive oil
¾ c diced carrots
½ red onion
1 10 oz pack frozen spinach thawed and drained
1 15 oz can red kidney beans rinsed and drained
1 tsp chilli powder (can add more)
½ c grated partly skimmed mozzarella
Garlic and garlic salt
*I found the original recipe a bit bland, so I added garlic (fresh and salt) to taste and more chilli powder

·         Preheat oven at 350F
·         Boil 1 1/3 c water in pan add quinoa
·         Reduce heat, cover simmer 15 mins, keep covered set aside
·         Remove pepper  tops, stems and seeds
·         Bring a large pot of water to boil
·         Add peppers boil for 5 mins and drain
·         Heat oil in a skillet over med heat
·         Add carrots cook for 3 mins
·         Add onion cook for 5 mins
·         Stir in spinach and beans
·         Remove from heat and mix in quinoa and chilli powder
·         Fill peppers with quinoa mixture and place on a baking sheet
·         Sprinkle with cheese
·         Add just enough water to form a thin later at the bottom of the dish. Bake 20 min ENJOY!

I Am Concentrating on Top Priorities

>> Tuesday, November 22, 2011

   I know that I can use a little positivity  in my life today.  I stepped on the scale and almost cried, to the point that I had to step on again and then again. 223.  Up 6 pounds from last week.  I don't know what to say, writing this just makes me angry, sad, hopeless.  I don't know what to do anymore, I am trying and I am failing.

I Am Moving Onward and Upward Today

>> Friday, November 18, 2011

   FRIDAY!!!!!!!!  I am heading to Toronto to get some friend time in, I am really excited, when I am with these girls we always have a BLAST.  I swear we could be stuck in a hole and we would still have a great time.

    I have a confession to make, I stepped on the scale today *hangs head in shame* and I am seeing a loss.  I needed this to affirm what I need to do this weekend while I am away, STAY FOCUSED!

Got some new hair and I love it and everyone loves it, mother.   Honestly, she can be such a pain in my side sometimes.

Have a great weekend!

P.S.  Since I am missing 3 days of hot yoga due to my little trip I am going to have to make up for it!  Yikes!

I Have A Positive Attitude Today

>> Thursday, November 17, 2011

     Having a positive attitude can be hard. Especially when the day is not working to your favor.  I really try to have a positive attitude as much as possible, as a teacher negativity is picked up by students so quickly and can spread like wild fire, even if I am having a bad day I really try and compartmentalize my negative thoughts and build on the positive in my life.  I always try and look at the bright side of things, I have been told that is one of my strong suits.

    Last night I did not go to running, I was feeling light headed and did not want to run.  I didn't want to go to Day 16 of hot yoga either, but I forced myself to do that (class was at 9 pm) and you know what?  I am so glad that I went.  I am really improving and I am so happy.  The night before when I did the power yoga I told the teacher that it was my first time and she said, "Really?  I would never have known and I can usually tell when it is someone's first time!"  I was so proud of myself.  

     This weekend I am heading to Toronto to hang with my friends,  I am really going to try and control myself and continue with the progress that I am making. I will have to make up for the 2 or three days of hot yoga that I am going to miss next week.  The good news is that my friend that I am staying with goes to a wicked bootcamp, so we are going to head there Saturday morning.  I am excited to try something new.

I am also going to the hairdresser for a new do tonight.  I am giving my hair a little break and going to put a weave in.  I will post a pic and show you, I love getting a new look!

Happy Thursday, Friday is just around the corner!

Woooo! We're Half Way There...

>> Wednesday, November 16, 2011

    I Celebrate Today With Success!

Last night was Day 15 of my 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge! Half way there! #winning.  I did a 75 minute power class:

A challenging and innovative flow class inspired by Baron Baptiste. Very cardiovascular, you are constantly flowing through poses.  Power Flow integrates more advanced postures and sequences give the class a challenging and dynamic flavour.  Prepare to get sweaty and have some fun!
Ha! "Get sweaty" is an understatement, I was exhausted by the end.  I was once again humbled.  Just when i think that I am getting a handle on hot yoga, I am put in my place. I was suppose to go to Athletic Training class after, but I was finished so I just headed home.  Tonight, I have running we are doing a quick 3K and then I am going to head to hot yoga.  Although I am training for the Half Marathon in February, I am not sure if I am going to run it.  I am open to any comments/suggestions.  I guess my main worry is that is WINTER here, there will be snow and running for two hours and a half when the temperature ranges from -3C to -13C is just not appealing, even if my body is ten degrees warmer when I run.  I have placed a survey at the right of my blog, please vote.  I have to register by Dec. 1 to get the early bird price, I would love some advice.

Have a great day!

This Is An Important Day In My Life...

>> Tuesday, November 15, 2011

...That is today's positive self talk affirmation, smile, look in the mirror and say it three times.
  I succeeded in keeping myself off the scale for the week *pats self on back* and when I stepped on today I was at 217.8 not bad, that is down 1.6 from last week.  Still reaching for my 211 would be nice to get there by the end of the month.  I am going to keep trying to monitor my calorie intake and record my numbers, since that seemed to work this week.  This is week two of my 30 day hot yoga challenge and yes, I have been everyday so far, 14 days in a row *pats self on back again*.  I also took measurements last week and compared them to today:

Last Week                                Now
Bust: 42"                                 Same
Waist (at belly button):38"         36"
Hips: 44"                                  43"

Total loss of 3 inches that is great.  I read somewhere that each inch you loss translates to a pound.  I wish I had lost 3 pounds though...

Tonight I am going to head to hot yoga (Day 15!  Yeah I am half way there) and then try to make it to Athletic Training class.

Happy Tuesday!

Le Weekend

>> Monday, November 14, 2011

     What a wonderful weekend!  I experienced another great running moment.  Before I tell you what it is, let us take a look back, remember my first 5K ? Remember my first 10k? Remember my first half-marathon? Well last Saturday, I ran another 10K race and broke my record from the week before!  1:04! An HOUR AND FOUR F**K'N MINUTES! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!  I am still ecstatic! 
     After the race, I had to get in my "30 days of hot yoga challenge" class (Day 12 by the way).  I went to a yin class;

Yin is both a gentle and challenging yoga practice and is often called a "moving meditation".  Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue of the hips, pelvis and lower spine.  Poses are held for 2-5 minutes to stretch deep muscle tissue and fascia.   This is a great aid for opening up the body and increasing flexibility and range of motion.  A great compliment to your regular practice. Suitable for all levels.
     Don't be fooled.  This description makes it sound so all nice and easy.  But it was really hard, I had trouble holding the poses for the full time and had to let them go for a bit.  I enjoyed it because I got to really stretch out my legs after the run, I will definitely try this class again now that I know what I am in for.
     Sunday, I headed to a baby shower and let me just say that I ate WAY to much cake.I woke up this morning and I am still full.

I found a list of Positive Self Talk Affirmations and I will be listing one each day:

Positive Self Talk Affirmation of the day: Today is a winning day for me


>> Friday, November 11, 2011

   Yesterday was the first day of calorie counting and it wasn't bad.  I finished with 2000 calories, not bad for my first day.  I am really trying to stay in the 1700-1800 range, just like anything else it is going to take practice.  I am back at it today.  Man, I never realized how calories can add up so quickly, especially in drinks.  I am going out for coffee with a friend later and we are heading to Starbucks so I went to the Starbucks website and they had a section called "drinks under 200 calories".  this is what they had to say;

Hot Drinks (Tall)CaloriesFat (g)
Brewed Coffee50
Brewed Tazo® Tea00
Nonfat Tazo® Green Tea Latte1500
Nonfat Cappuccino600
Nonfat Caffè Latte1000
Nonfat Caramel Machiato1401
Soy Tazo® Chai Tea Latte1702
Nonfat Caffè Mocha – hold the whip1702
Skinny Vanilla Latte900
Steamed Apple Juice1700
Nonfat Vanilla Crème – hold the whip1500
Caffè Americano100

Good to know.

I have noticed that my stomach is feeling a little flatter since I have been doing hot yoga.  But I still have the lower part of my stomach that I find sticks out a lot.  I really have to find a way to reduce this part of my body, it is really starting to bother me.  Since I have lost weight I find my lower stomach hangs.  Does anyone else have this issue?  How do you deal with it?

I was at the Running  Room and there are two pairs of shoes that I have my eye on:
Nike Lunar Eclipse 139.99

New Balance 860 109.99
They are both super comfortable, so I am going to have to decide in the next few weeks...

LA commented:
Haneefa, thanks for the tips on working up to an 8k race. Since your post, I've been running outside; however, it's soooo much more challenging to run outdoors than on a treadmill. I've realized that I can barely do 2 miles outdoors (with running up hills etc). When you train, do you train outdoors for races, or how do you transition from running on the treadmill to successfully running outdoors. I feel as if it would be so much easier to run the 8k on the treadmill, but outside it seems nearly impossible. Thanks!

I run 95% of the time outside.  On occasion I will run on the treadmill.  I like the treadmill to work on speed, because I can control the speed, so I will sprint for 30 secs -1 minute and then I will run at a normal pace for a minute or two.  The only suggestion I have for you is that when you run outside try to pick a place that has minimal hills, (save the hill work for a separate day).  Also try and go at a regular pace, you should be able to talk.  Save the race pace for another day (NOT a hill day).  Take you time.  Slowly build up and I know that you can get to your 8k outside.

Have a great weekend!

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