How Low Can You Go

Next Stop.....1/2 Marathon

>> Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I feel great today! 93.5% better.  Went for a 4K run and it was good.  I was much faster, I am really feeling great

Total: 29:55
Calories: 417
Distance: 4.1 K
Avg Pace: 7:18
Avg Hrt: 160
Max Pace: 5:40
Max Hrt: 172
Yeah 13/25!  Eating clean, that is a whole other story....Vee, I took your advice and got some 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels, yummy!  I ate two bags, but it would have been WAY worse it I had gone to Bulk Barn and bought them by weight. 
 Volleyball tournament was postponed due to miscommunication. We got to play 2 teams for fun and we beat both teams,our team looks really good.  I am really proud of my students, I think that we really have potential this season.
Tomorrow night, I am running hills, I am excited and scared at the same time,  I will let you know how that goes.
I think that I am going to try the 1/2 Marathon clinic after this one.  i told this to a guy that works at the Running Room and he said, " Maybe you should try the 10K one more time?"
NO!  I think I can do.  The clinic is 16 weeks instead of 10. I WILL be running in the winter and that doesn't excite me, but hey if I won't do it no one will do it for me.  I really want to prove all the nay sayers wrong and just do it. 
Anyone here run a 1/2 marathon?  What did you think?
That will mean that by next March I will be running a 1/2 Marathon, 21K, CRAZY!  I LOVE IT!


Chayah September 22, 2010 at 3:52 AM  

I love it too girl! Keep inspiring because you def inspired me to get out there and run. Those 100 cal snacks make you feel alot less guilty huh lol and most of them are pretty good. So glad that you're feeling better it comes thru your post :) Good luck tomorrow on those hills and def let us know how it goes.

Tammy September 22, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Dude...I can't run down the block much less a half marathon, lol. However, I did commit to at least walking a half marathon by November 2011 down in Savannah, GA. Our little team is called Heifers to you follow Pam? She's the one that asked me to join her, she came up with the name, and she's having shirts made up for us. :)

Ro September 22, 2010 at 8:57 AM  

So glad your feeling better...and Dayum Haneefa you are really doing great.
1/2 marathon here you come. Just a few months ago you were worried about the 5K and now you’re on to bigger and better.
Way to push yourself and really get it in. I am like really proud of you and I can’t tell you enough that you inspire me.
You know I hate commenting but you MAKE me do it :-)

The last time I did hills it wasn't a pretty sight afterward...but I felt great the next day .lol
Have fun!

ERICA September 22, 2010 at 12:10 PM  

I'm training for a 5K/10K now and then will start training for a half marathon that is in June. I'm with ya girl. You Can Do It!

michelle September 22, 2010 at 1:21 PM  

Good job! You always amaze me. I'm happy for you. Let me know how running the hills goes.(whew!)

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