How Low Can You Go

Now I KNOW I Can Do It!

>> Thursday, April 29, 2010

Check out this video, Ernestine Sheppard is truly an inspiration! At 73 years old and she can bench press 150 pounds and she runs 80 miles a week!  You go Granny!  She only started at 53!  She is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest female body builder.  Look at those abs.....


Things at work at out of control.  I did not go to the gym on Tuesday because there was no time, with the work project and I had to pick up my tax papers.  I also did not drink enough water that day.  Yesterday I also failed in the water section, but at least I made it to the gym. No star prize for me this week. Today, I have another late day, but I am going to try and make it to the gym for at least an hour.  I hope that I can make it to spinning at 7:30.  I had a poutine today, if you do not know what poutine is let me give you the low down .  Poutine is french fries, gravy with cheese curds on top.  It is so unhealthy, but tastes really good.  I only have it twice a year.

Tomorrow is the last day for the Beach Challenge, I think that made it, I need to be under 219.

The Weather Outside is Frightful......

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's snowing, yes, you read right, 5cm to be exact.Damn you winter!  I cannot believe that I was wearing sandals on Saturday.  Mother Nature must be PMSing....  I feel like crap. Period, coming soon, you know what that means, weigh in Saturday is going to be up.  Too tired and fed up to be frustrated at this point.   Have some stuff at work that is stressing me out, no time to go to the gym today.

Hello, I am MissHaneefa and I am a Shoe-a-holic.

>> Sunday, April 25, 2010

It has been one month since I bought my last pair of

Looks like I am going to be getting that M.A.C lip gloss ( maybe an eyeshadow Amber Lights is looking kinda empty).  I am proud of myself. I really must give myself a pat of the back for this week.  I went down by over 4 pounds in one week and I stuck to my goals. The stars were aligned this week!

 This week at the gym is going to be alot of the same:

Monday--Weight class and Zumba
Tuesday--Step, if I can make it (boo, work) and Spinning, weights?(chest and biceps)
Wednesday--Zumba and weights(legs)
Thursday--Bootcamp and spinning
Friday-- Cardio (30 mins stairmaster, 30 mins stairstepper) and weights (back triceps)
Sat--Weight Class and Spinning
Sun--Spinning and weights (shoulders, abs)

This is the last week of class at my gym forever!  Why you ask?  Because they are a** holes.   Bye, bye Zumba : ( I have decided that I am going to stay at the gym and supplement my workouts with Zumba at another location with the same teacher and a few other things.   One of my favorite Zumba teachers will be teaching classes at a small martial arts studio near my house, so I will buy a few classes and try to go once a week so I can get my Zumba fix.  This teacher incorporates alot of India music/moves in her Zumba class and there is one song that I cannot get out of my head to I decided to share it with you. It is from a Bollywood movie and it is very catchy.  Some of the moves that we do to this song are in the video.  Enjoy!

I feel in love with a pair of shoes yesterday (see them in the side bar). They are by Franco Sarto and when I on instantly I was sexy!  They looked so good and even though they have a heel they are comfortable.  I told myself that when I get to 201.8 (70 lost, wow I can't even imagine that....) I will get them. I did some math last night and I realised that since I started this blog, I have lost 19 pounds, not bad. This translates into 1.3 pounds a week, which means that if I stay this way, these shoes will be mine in 13 weeks = July 24. That's cool, I can deal with that, I will have them to wear on my bday!

 On a side note I was talking with my friend and we were discussing how it is easier to walk in heels when you have lost weight, has anyone else out there noticed this?  I will test this theory out this summer.

 I bought these last summer in black, on sale and didn't get a chance to wear them (if you haven't noticed I love shoes).  I will try and rock them this summer.  Although I am 5'9"  I love heels and I love how my legs look in them.  In the last few years, I have gotten over the issues I had with being taller than others and realized that if I love a pair of shoes, I am going to wear them even if I am 6'2"!  I do not care!

Have a great week!

Weigh In: I Told You So....

>> Saturday, April 24, 2010

In a good way this time.  I was 219 today!  Yeah a new low!  Today and tomorrow look good.  Have a great weekend!  Next week, 217 or lower.

Call Me Janet Jackson (Ms. Jackson, If You Nasty)

>> Friday, April 23, 2010

Cause I am in CONTROL today! (BTW doesn't Janet look HOT in this picture?)  I am very happy with myself and how I came, I saw and I conquered didn't eat every cupcake in sight!   First, today was the monthly birthday celebration at work, and I did not have one cupcake!  Can you believe it. Not one! Honestly, these eating thing is all MENTAL, it is mind vs. body.  I really told myself that I was not going to have one and I did not. That alone is a feat in itself.  That M.A.C lip gloss was floating in my mind all day. I am going to make the stars this week.  Also, today is my Dad's bday so we went out to dinner.  I had a salad with shrimp, no bread , some calamari and a little dessert.  I feel like a million dollars!  I love the feeling when you leave a restaurant and you don't feel like you have eaten too much.  Now, weigh in tomorrow, I am going to go out on a limb and say 219.  I am crossing my fingers that will be a bit lower, but I will be very happy with that.  I also saw a handbag at Browns that I want.  I told myself when I get to 211.8 (that will mean I will have lost 60 pounds in total since March 2008), I will get it.  I was trying to find a picture of it online to show you all, but no luck.  I think that I can get to 211 in 2 weeks  3 weeks (let's not go overboard here).  May 14th, new bag, done.

P.S. Tammy's Beach Challenge ends next week, I loved it and really think that it helped me. Anyone know of another challenge starting soon?  Hmmm, maybe I should do one.....

Take Your Hand and Squeeze Your Butt

>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do it! Come on no is watching...  How does it feel? Firm? Soft? This was the topic of discussion in an article in the May issue of Oxygen. The article is by Tosca Reno (man, I am giving her alot of play these days) .  The article had some very interesting things to say about your behind.  Tosca says that the condition that your butt is in may be a better indicator of your health than the condition of your abs.  The circumference of your butt has a very high correlation with your health. If you have a larger booty, this may be a risk to your health. In short move that booty!

All this booty talk got me thinking about some songs that talk about booties!

My Top 5 Booty Songs

1. Bootylicious-Destiny's Child
2. Baby Got Back! -Sir. Mix-A-Lot
3. Rumpshaker-- Wreckx-N-Effects
4. Shake Ya Ass -- Mystikal
5. Ms. New Booty -- Bubba Sparks

Notice how songs with any reference to butts always makes you want to move your butt?!?

And what would all this booty talk be without MY top 5 booty exercises:

1. Plie Squat
2. Deadlift
3. Walking Lunges (I hate these)
4. Step Ups
5. Hip Raise (with or without a ball)

I have another move that I LOVE but I cannot explain it, and I can't find a picture of the machine so I will have to take a pic one day and post it.

In other news, I went to the gym today and I ripped my pants in the crotch. A huge tear.  I had to wear my work capris (thankfully I did not wear a skirt today).  I thought I looked silly but honestly no one noticed.  I also forgot my sports bra.  I were a 36H, enough said.  I swear the teacher thought I was slacking off but really I just could not do the jumps....

A lady at work asked me today how long it took me to lose the weight, I told her 2 years.  "Oh, that's a long time...."  I told her that I have not gained any of it back and it is better for me to loss the weight slowly.  I honestly don't know what to say about these comments anymore.....

Have a great night!

5 Ways To Beat Late Night Cravings

>> Monday, April 19, 2010

Tosca BeforeTosca Now!

Eat Clean Diet was developed by Tosca Reno, if you read Oxygen magazine then you know who she is.  She went from being over 200 pounds to a fitness competitor and she is over 50! She is honest, real and tells you how it is because she has been there herself.I  P.S. If I can look like that at 50, I swear...Her body is pretty sick.

I picked up the Eat Clean Diet book last year and although it has the word "diet" in it, it is more of a way of life.  That is what this is all about right? We want to to things that we can keep doing for the rest of our lives to stay in the fantastic shape that we are getting into.  If you have a chance you should pick up the book from your local library or ask for it on your next bday/Mother's Day.

I get the newsletter emailed to me and this issue had some great info on how to beat late night cravings.  I have attached a few of the ones that I thought were helpful:

I find late-night cravings normally come from boredom and not hunger. I stay busy in the evenings and they pass without a pig out.

I have found that [cravings] are rarely hunger related for me and that they will pass. So I distract myself. I take a bath with a great Oxygen mag and I brush my teeth. Nothing tastes very good after that, and I would hate to do it again!

With 5 meals a day and 100 plus oz of water, it's usually not an issue. However, when and if this problem arises, my answer is: ?water water water! I know that if my mind is saying 'snack,' it really means, 'H20.

I just had a piece of gum – it helps when I have the late night munchies … something to chew on!

I fix a nice steaming cup of decaf hot tea and sip it as I relax on the couch. It is calming and comforting

To satiate your evening hunger, try having one of the following small meal options:

If I get the urge, I'll try to stick to fruits and nuts.

Sometimes just a few spoons of yogurt/cottage cheese will do the trick.

I like the brushing the teeth idea, I don't know about you but once my teeth feel clean, I don't want to eat anything.

Have a great night!  Thanks to all who comment!  You keep me going!

The Stars Were Not Aligned This Week

>> Sunday, April 18, 2010

As you can see from the image above, I didn't make my "Yes You Can Stars" goal this week.  The food has been bad for the last few days.  You may wonder what I eat or what I strive to eat in a day:
- 2 servings of starches
-2-3 servings of protein
-2 servings of fruit
-3 servings of veggies
-1 serving of dairy (since I really can't drink milk, I usually have 2 yogurts)
-2 fats (peanut butter, nuts)
-1 "treat" around 100 calories

I do not count calories, but I try and follow these guidelines and it seems to have worked for me so far, when I say I did not get my food star it is because I went over in one or more of these categories.

       But alas, this is a new week.  This week I am going make it and I am going to up the ante. This week's prize for 19/21 stars is a new M.A.C lip gloss.  I love M.A.C!  This is motivation for me to do it!  The only real challenge that I foresee for this week is my Dad's bday on Friday, so that will be one star lost and I am allowed one more.

This week exercise:
-Monday: weight class and Zumba
-Tuesday: Step and spinning
-Wed: Body bar and Zumba
-Thursday: cardio (probably stairmaster and escalator aka suicide...because that's what it feels like when you are on it for half an hour)and bootcamp
-Friday: an hour cardio (same as above) and some weights
-Sat: Weight class and spinning
-Sun: spinning if I can wake up, if not cardio and weights on my own

Just writing this is getting me pumped, I only have 2 weeks of classes left, because they are shutting down all the classes in May because they are stupid mofos.  I still do not know what I am going to do.  Go to another gym?  Stay and just take some classes elsewhere? I am really not sure what i am going to do.

 As for food:

-Not be tempted by treats that are around me, and if I am HAVE ONE.
-Stay on track and remember that I am doing this because I want to be healthy and look the best that I can.

Summer is almost here (not weather wise though, booo).  I am so excited.  I love the heat, the freedom, the things to do!  Although I have experienced some set backs this week I am feeling alot better.  When I go to the store and try things on they are fitting better. This makes me happy and gives me the push I need.

Have a great week!

Weigh In: I Told You So....

>> Saturday, April 17, 2010


Up. Way up. Even higher up than I expected.  When I saw this this morning, I was disappointed in myself. I have no one to blame but myself.  I did this to myself and I am the only one that can undo the damage.  The restaurant , the ice cream, the cupcakes, the sub, the lady fingers.  This is what lead to the gain of 4.4. But like I have said in the past, I can gain and lose, quickly, I just have to keep it off.  I was upset,sad, mad at myself and a little disgusted, but took myself to the gym.  Why am I always sabotaging myself?  I am my worst enemy.  Did my weight class and spinning.  A lady came up to me in the class and commented that I have lost alot of weight and that I look really good.  She also asked how much I lost and for some advice on what to do.  I was really flattered.  This made me forget the scale this morning and realize that all I need to do it keep.  I guess I am going to have to fight to get out of the 220's.


Have a great day!

It All Began So Innocently...

It always does.  Just one cupcake, chocolaty icing, pretty red sprinkles and then it becomes two.  Luckily, it stopped there (trust me in the past I would have had 4). The world was against me today, every I turned I saw cupcakes, it was like they were stalking me.  They were paparazzi and I was Lindsey Lohan after a night of booze and drugs.  I smelt chocolate everywhere I went.  So I had two cupcakes, kill me.
Then I went to visit a friend, we ordered some food, I settled on a sub, steak and mushroom,lettuce and tomato, cool, cool.  Then they had some lady fingers, that is what did me in, I ate about 50 billion.  So tomorrow, when the scale shows that I am up, remind me that the lady fingers put a gun to my mouth and made me eat them.

The rest of the weekend needs to be perfect to get my socks (socks? I am a loser).  I failed in the food category yesterday (went out to dinner with a friend and had a dessert) and today.  But if I am on top of my game and can still make it.

After reading all these blogs about people running on the treadmill for copious amounts of time, I decided to try it and it was much better than it has been in the past.  I can't do 10 minutes without stopping yet, but I am getting there.  I will have to keep at it but I am sure that I can do. 

Predictions for tomorrow's weight in? 222? That would be up 2.5, happy? no. Can I deal with it? Yes.  Will it be better next week? It better..  Honestly, can I NOT go down for more than two weeks in a row?

Dear Self,
      Listen, we have been together for a long time and I care about you very much, but you have to stop with the chocolate.  You have been doing so well, you have come a long way but you still have a ways to go.  I love you very much, but we are going to have together on this.  Ok?  Remember, you can do this!

Love Self.

Conversation overheard today in class:
Student 1 (eating cupcake; see I told you they were everywhere): Aren't you on a diet?
Student 2 (also eating cupcake, told you):  Yeah, but all I have been eating is raisins, I am fed up.
Student 1*shrugs* While eating cupcake

Moral of this story?

Young women REALLY need an outlet to educate them on healthy eating and what options they have if they want to seriously lose weight.  I am so fed up of this, "all I am drinking is water" and "all I am eating is air"  I really find that this outlet to get information does not exist, especially for black girls.  I have thought of starting something in the community to educate girls about fitness and nutrition, but I feel that I am not in the shape yet to be an advocate.  You know how it is, remember back in High School when you had the gym teacher that that wasn't in the best shape and  you thought, "How is she gonna teach me about getting in shape, when she can't even run across the room..."

Have a good night, don't let the cupcakes bite!

Fitness Countdown

>> Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I was bored with my blog, so I came up with this to add a little "je ne sais quoi" to my post

 10 Foods That Have Helped You Lose Weight:
  • yogurt
  • tuna
  • broccoli
  • soy beans
  • almonds (unsalted)
  • grapefruit
  • lettuce
  • chickpeas
  • sunflower seeds
  • red pepper
9 Exercises/Activities That Have Helped You Lose Weight
  • Zumba
  • Step
  • Bootcamp
  • Squats
  • Leg presses
  • Spinning
  • Deadlifts
  • bench presses
  • assisted pull ups
8 Songs That You (Currently) Love to Workout To
  • Imma Be -- Black Eyed Peas
  • How Low -- Ludacris
  • My Chick Bad -- Ludacris feat. Nicki Minaj
  • Telephone --Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce
  • Rude Boy -- Rihanna
  • Palance -- JW and Blaze (Soca music is the BEST to workout to!)
  • On To The Next One -- Jay Z
  • Bedrock -- Young Money

7 Reasons You Want to Loss Weight
  • Healthier for my heart
  • Do not want to have diabetes like my parents
  • More energy
  • Tired of this flabby body
  • Alleviate some breathing issues
  • Reduce breast size without surgery
  • Wear cute clothes
6 Blogs That Keep You Motivated

5 Ways That You Have Changed Your Life To Help You Loss Weight
  • Prepare lunch the night before
  • Drink at least 4 bottles of water a day
  • Smaller portions of food especially carbs
  • Exercise as much as possible
  • Write down what I eat
4 Things That You Will Do Once You Reach Your Weight Goal
  • wear a bikini
  • buy a bra at Victoria Secret
  • not have to shop at "plus sized" clothing stores
  • wear more sleeveless items
 3 Celebrities you wouldn't mind trading bodies with
  • Kim Khadarshian
  • Serena Williams
  • Beyonce
2 Mistakes That You Have Made On Your Journey
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Giving up once I made a mistake and going on a binge
1 Thing You Would Say To Someone Who Is Trying To Lose Weight
  • Honestly, Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was burnt in a day.  It took many years for you to get to this size, it will not all vanish in a month.  Take your time and be honest with yourself and the weight will go.  If you make a mistake, tomorrow is another day, try again.  Exercise, watch what you eat (don't just watch yourself put it in your mouth).  Have faith in yourself, you can do it, no one will do it for you, you have to do it for yourself! 

You Would NOT Believe What I Saw At The Gym Today....

>> Monday, April 12, 2010

A girl in my Zumba class was doing the class BAREFOOT! I had to do a triple take in the mirror!  Crazy, I guess her feet were hurting, but still at least she could have put on socks?

You must have long-term goals to keep you from being frustrated by the short-term failures
-- (C. Noble)

Weigh In At An All Time Low and the 1920's

>> Sunday, April 11, 2010

   I feels like I have been away for a long time.  In terms of weight loss things are going very well, I am have been on track and I weighed in at 219.4, which is an all time low for me.  I have never been this low since 2003 when I was 203.  I can't believe that I am 16 pounds away from reaching that goal.  I am happy, but at the same time I am scared, can I do it? I have to believe it.

I went to a party for my friend's 30th bday last night.  The theme was 1920's (leaving her 20's going to her 30's).  Can I tell you that I made my headpiece!?! Some feathers, pearls, ribbon and a glue gun.  I tried my best to eat well, I only had one drink (amaretto and pomegranate juice; very delicious by the way).  But there were alot of yummy treats that were 1920s inspired.  Cucumber slices with salmon spread, pineapple cake and a delicious eggplant dip.I did eat more than my share of crackers, boo.

I was really good with the eating today, but I didn't make it to the gym.  I got 19/21 stars for the week (missed one yesterday for going over my food and one today for exercise)  I am really happy with this.  I am going to set it up for next week and try it again.  This weeks prize will be some workout socks.  I have attached a few pictures from the party for your viewing enjoyment.

My goal is to be down to 217 next Saturday!
Have a great night

Pinch Me, I Must Be Dreaming....

>> Friday, April 9, 2010

This is what I did when I got of the scale this morning.  No seriously. I pushed my bed aside and did a cartwheel. I kid, I kid. When I looked down, I saw 219.8, I almost fainted. I am so ecstatic.  For the Beach Challenge I was 229 and not 219.8, that is a loss of 9.2.  Woot, woot!  Last week when I weighed in, I was on my period, but still I am so happy.  I hope that it stays this way for the weight in tomorrow.  This is the lowest that I have been since 2003! Wow! Had some dressing that had blue cheese in it, so I feel a little ill. I always forget that blue cheese makes me sick, but it tastes so good!

I`m A Loser Baby, So Why Don`t You Kill Me....

>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

I locked my keys in my car today.  At first I thought I dropped them, I went all around the mall looking for them. Retracing my steps, asking all the stores and I was about to give up. I went back to the car to see if they fell out of my jacket and there they were on the seat. Luckily my parents have another set so I waited for my dad to bring them to me.  Thank You!

Because of this fiasco, I was late for Bootcamp, so I didn't go to the class I just did my own thing.  It was great. 30 minutes of stairmaster, some legs and some assisted pull up machine.  I am very excited, things are coming up roses on the scale, I will not tell you yet, you will have to wait until tomorrow and Saturday.  Tomorrow`s weight in for the Beach Challenge, is going to blow you all away. I am really happy with the progress that I am making.  When you are focused you can do anything!  I am in a good place and I hope that I stay here for as long as I can.  I can taste feel myself saying buh-bye to the 220`s and bonjour to the 2teens!  Don`t think that I am going to make my water star for today, but I am going to try until my head hits the pillow! Decided to drink the last bottle while I read and commented on blogs, see you guys are always there for me.

Seeing Stars

>> Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This star system is the best!  It really has me motivated.  I was going to reach for baklava (Greek dessert) today and then I said no, then I won't get a star. I am feeling great and I know that I am going to be down for the weight in Friday (Beach Challenge) and Sat. (My regular weigh in)

Yeah!  If you could see me threw the computer I am doing a dance all over the keyboard.  I put on a skirt today and it was so loose that I had to pin both sides. *Cartwheel*

On another note, I hate when people come to an exercise class and do their own thing!  Why are you there!?  Today we had this boxing class and this lady was doing her own program. This annoyed me to death.  She wasn't moving with the rest of the class, I almost kicked her in the head.  We're are punching and she is doing shoulder presses! UHHHHHH!

Have a great night!

Must Be Nice

>> Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Must be nice that you have weighed the same thing your whole life
Must be nice that you don't have to do cardio, because you can't afford to loss anymore weight
Must be nice that you worked at McDonald's for 5 years on the night shift,  ate it everyday and did not gain a pound.
Must be nice

I met an acquaintance at the gym today and he told me all of this, I wanted to hand him some cheese to go with his whining.  I am so sorry but I had NO sympathy for him.

I Am A Copy Cat

>> Monday, April 5, 2010

  Over at just another FAT girl she had a fabulous idea to have a star system when you consume enough water, eat the right amount and get the exercise needed for that day.  I loved the idea and I took it to the next level....TADA:

I made this little table on Word and I will try and fill it in every night. I am a computer loser I know, I know.  Since I love to buy myself stuff, if I have 19/21 stars I will get a magazine!
LOVE IT!  Remember imitation is the best form of flattery, thanks just another FAT girl! I will let you know Sunday if this is a keeper.

Summer Resolutions

I have come to the conclusion that I do not take advantage of living in my great city.  In the summer there is so much to see and do and I really take it for granted.  For this reason I have made a list of things that I want to do this summer and here you go:

  • Go downtown at least once a week, shopping, restaurants, the Old Port, what more can a girl ask for?
  • Go back to salsa lessons-- I took salsa for a few months and I loved it, not really sure why I stopped...
  • Go to the amusement park in the area.  I haven't been to an amusement park in years, I really like the thrill of roller coasters.
  • Go to the water slides, fun, fun , fun
  • Go to New York at least once, New York city has so much to do in the summer, Central Park , Broadway Shows, the MoMa, the Met, Canal Street, more shopping...
  • Go to Niagra Falls to see my childhood friend perform in a one woman show.
  • Read two books a week, at least one by a black author, if you have any suggestions, I would loveto hear them.
  • Go to the gym twice a day....or at least try to.
  • Do yoga once a week.  I am not crazy about yoga, I find it too slow.  I have given it a try in the past and noticed that it does improve my balance (in which I need a great deal of help) as well as my flexibility, so I will give it another try.  I really want to try HOT|YOGA.
  • Fireworks competition once a week.  In summer there is always a fireworks competition downtown, twice a week a different country presents their fireworks, it is beautiful and a great way to spend a night out under the stars
  • Just For Laughs Festival---go to the Nasty Show and the Ethnic show.  I love a good laugh, they say that humour can reduce stress and alot of other ailments.
  • Go down to the Jazz Festival as much as possible, free music under the stars? LOVE IT! Last year Stevie wonder opened and this year it's Lionel Ritchie!
  • Go to the movies every Tuesday (cheapy Tuesday 5$!)  Even if the movie sucks , hey its 5 BUCKS!
  • More to come....

As the summer nears I will post this on the side bar and cross the activities off as I do them, YEAH SUMMER

Made it to the gym this morning, only had an hour so I had to make it snappy.  I did 30 minutes on the StairMaster and time flew by because I downloaded so new songs to my MP3 player.

Have a great day!

The Best Way To Spend A Saturday Night?

>> Sunday, April 4, 2010

Zumba Party!  I went to a Zumba Party last night,  given by two instructors from my gym.  For some songs they instructed alone and others they taught together.  The event was the best fun that I have had in a long time.  An hour and a half of pure dancing. I drank about 5 bottles of water during the time, it was extremely hot and everyone was sweating.  Sweat was pouring down my face, my back, my t shirt turned another color because it was so wet. I have not sweat that much in a long time.  Since the location was near to my house (about 20 minutes away) I walked there and back.  Today when I went to woke up today my body was soar, what a great feeling!

Happy Easter!

Weight In: The Glass Is Half Full

>> Saturday, April 3, 2010


Down 0.6 from last week!  I am pleasantly impressed.  Considering is that time of the month I am very happy.  Tonight I am going to a Zumba Party hosted by two instructors form my gym.  A few people have asked me what Zumba is so i have included a clip.  We dance to this song in class sometimes

Have a great weekend!

Do You See A Difference? I See A Difference.

>> Friday, April 2, 2010

Today I felt like taking a look back to what I was and what I have become.  You have to look at the past to know where you are going in the future. This picture is from March 2008, when I weighed about 272.  I was in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic for vacation. 

This is me last August at a friend's wedding at my lowest weight since 2003, around 223

Face definitely looks smaller, and arm looks more "toned", I use that word very loosely. Still have a long way to go, but when I look at this it makes me feel real good!  I was so happy with how I looked that day.  The dress, the make up, you would have thought I was the one getting married!

This is me last weekend, partying it up!
Love this top (NYC 17$!), granted it is a 2X, I swear these breasts are a curse, but that is an entirely OTHER post!

Have a great day!
P.S.  I decided to join another challenge (the more the merrier right?)  Check it out here.  In a nutshell you have to loss 10 lbs in a month, the only rule is you have to post your weight every Friday on Fit to Fab's Blog , today I was 229 so I need to be 219, wish me luck!

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

>> Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Good:

  • I have kept up with my workout schedule this week.
  • You know when someone says something you to you and it sticks with you for life? My friend once told me that I have no butt, she was right.  Since that day many years ago, I have worked my ass off (technically worked my ass on).  Today, I can say that I have an ass and a nice one at that.  I may not Beyonce or Kim Kadarshian, but I am proud of what I worked to achieve.  It took countless squats, deadlifts, glut raises, donkey kicks and anything else that come to mind. 
  • Since I am feeling like crap, I am going to chill today, Six Feet Under Marathon anyone? 

The Bad:

  • Feel like crap today because of my period, but I still went this morning and did spinning, it made me feel a bit better.  I wanted to do an hour of training, but only good pull off 20 minutes.
  • Sad because a good friend of mine miscarried the other day, I am not sure what to say to her, I feel so bad and what makes it worse is that I just saw her on Sunday and we were laughing and so excited for the baby.

The Ugly:

  • Due to said period, weight is way up, which means weight in Sat. is going to be a disappointment.
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