How Low Can You Go

Featured Challenger: Previously Plump...In Progress

>> Monday, November 15, 2010

This week's featured challenger is a fellow Canadian, Previouly Plump...In Progress.  This lovely lady has lost over 10 pounds in 7 weeks.  She was kind enough to take time out of her busy scheduale to answer a questions.

Why are you in this challenge?
I needed something to push me - I was in a bad spot for a while, not caring, not working out, eating whatever I could get my hands on. I needed someone, other then myself, to be accountable to. Miss Haneefa has always been an inspiration to me, and I thought it was the perfect opportunity for me to challenge myself.

What are the top 5 things you did this week to help you loss weight?
- I only ate when I was really hungry. I keep very busy now, with two jobs, and I find staying busy has been a huge help in keeping me from eating when I'm bored.
- Although I haven't been "working out" over the past couple of weeks, at my part time job I'm running all over the pub serving customers - I consider that a work out!!!
- I was really conscious of how much I was eating at each serving, I made sure only to eat until I felt 'satisfied'. I will serve a smaller serving then I want initially and if I'm still hungry after, I go back for more... that rarely happens though.
- I kept my end goal in mind: I know that come the new year, I want to be down to 175 lbs.
- I don't eat if it's less then 3 hours before I'm going to sleep.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to challengers?
Don't ever ever ever give up, no matter how far away your goal seems - take it in baby steps. Set small goals and work towards them; also, set NSV's (non scale victories) and work towards those.

What keeps you motivated?
My skinny jeans and pictures of my finishing a 10km race and weighing 160lbs

Favorite healthy meal/snack?
Hummus and carrots, homemade sweet potato baked-fries, stir-fry!

What are your weaknesses/downfalls and how do you deal with them?
Sweet foods... big time. I LOVE all sweets. I really just try and stay away from them. If I'm really craving them, I have a small amount. Then on Saturday nights I have 1 meal and 1 dessert of whatever I want and don't count the calories at all.

If you could describe youself in one word (maybe two if you must) what would it be?

What does being physically fit mean to you? Describe some characteristics both physical and mental
feeling good about yourself, inside and out. Knowing that you're the best person you can be (or working towards it).

Is there one exercise that you always wanted to try but haven't? Will you?
Kickboxing. Looks like so much fun :) I will try it, one day... promise.

What is your favorite motivational quote?
Never, never, never, never give up. - Winston Churchill

It describes me (and my weight loss story), to a tee.

What is your best body part? How would you describe it?
my waist - even though it's larger then I would like it to be, it's relatively small compared to my hips etc. I have a great shape to my body - very curvy - and I appreciate that.

Thank you so much!

Picture this....
I am at the grocery store, it is around 4:30pm.  I have picked up the item I need.  I am in the mood for chocolate covered almonds.  I look high and low and I finally find them, there is only a big bag, so I pick it up and head to the cash.  As I get in line, I start questioning myself, " Do I really need this bag of almonds (No)?  Can I only eat a few (No)?"  Knowing the answers to these, I head to the cash and leave the bag on the shelf, yeah me!

MissHaneefa 1 Cravings 0 hahahahahahaha Run and tell that Homeboy!


Alexia November 16, 2010 at 1:14 AM  

Hey, I know that Previously Plump woman! :) She's doing amazingly on the challenge..

And Haneefa, good for you in resisting temptation! Hiya!

Tim November 16, 2010 at 1:59 PM  

A tour bus driver drives with a bus full of seniors down a highway, when a little old lady taps him on his shoulder.

She offers him a handful of
almonds, which he gratefully munches down. After 15 minutes, she taps him on his shoulder again and she hands him another handful of almonds. She repeats this gesture about five times.

After the sixth time he asks the little old lady why they do not eat the almonds themselves, whereupon she replies that it is not possible because of their old teeth, they are not able to chew them.

"Why do you buy them then?" he asks puzzled.

The old lady answers, "We just love the chocolate around them."

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