How Low Can You Go

A New Day

>> Thursday, May 13, 2010

I woke up this morning and was about to delete last night's post.  Then I read the comments and realized that many people feel the way I do. Just as much as I needed to write that post, people needed to read it.  I began to feel better.  I started to peruse the Internet and read a few transformation stories (women who have lost a considerable amount of weight) and I began to realize that it can be done.  I have read alot of weight loss stories and I guess in some aspects I am lucky.  I have never really been teased about being larger,  I have been teased about my height, my large breasts (I was called Dolly Parton in elementary school as well as Sasquatch)  maybe it is because I carry my weight "well".  I go to the doctor step on the scale and they cannot believe my weight. I guess that is a plus.  I do not have any health problems due to my weight (I want to keep it that way).  I have never let my weight stop me from doing anything. I do not think I am an emotional eater.  I cannot say that I am addicted to food.  I love going to the gym and did so even when I was 270.  I have to get a handle on what I out in my mouth.  Diet is 80% of the battle, exercise 10% and genetics 10%.  I need to get a grip on that 80%, that is the key. I train just as hard as I did when I was larger and as I get smaller I will not change.  I know some people think I am a bit extreme going to the gym every day for an 1 1/2 hours or 2, but that is what I need, I don't think that most of  my friends understand.  Today is a new day and I am going to try and just do the best that I can! 

Once again thank you all for your comments, I really appreciate them.


Ro May 13, 2010 at 9:34 AM  

and Weeee Appreciate YOUUU
I said that in my AA meeting voice.. :-)

Glad your feeling better..

It can be done and we are going to do it. IF you have 10 or 100 to lose its still hard and its mental. One day at a time.

LC May 13, 2010 at 9:44 AM  

We all have moments of feeling defeated. I'm glad to see that you did not give in and that you are back on track. :)

Ro May 13, 2010 at 9:47 AM  

You know what I just thought about else…....
I love your blog. :-)
I don’t try and think of anything witty or cool or funny or insightful ( as you can tell).
I just type what’s on my mind...and leave it at that.

This blog is for you...and by you just being're helping someone else!

I have another blog where I just post random thought about what I am thinking. It helps just to keep my mind occupied and to vent....etc.

Nona May 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM  

Oh honey {{{Big Hug}}} I love your blog!!! I only come on line once or twice a week to blog and read blogs but I always visit your blog when I do. That's not because I have time to waste chickie. It's because your beautiful and bright, and funny and kind and inspiring and supportive and I want to know what's going on with you and to support you.

Just seeing that photo of you above brightens my day. I love your spirit and I love your ever so beautiful smile, beautiful complexion and bright eyes.

For most of my life I've hated my body and all it's scars but my husband doesn't see what I see, just like the guy that you were dating didn't see what you saw. When you love someone you love the whole package even the shortcomings ... well that is my experience anyway.

You need to get the CD "I can make you Thin" by Paul McKenna (it is transforming my life)and listen it over and over again until all your negative self talk vanishes for good because YOU are FABULOUS right now just as you are!!!

Now I understand that you want to lose the weight and become even more fabulous AND that's what you're doing. So you had a bad week with the weight. It happens to all of us sooner or later. I empathise and send you a big hug and am glad to see you are pressing on today because that's what you need to be doing. Don't worry about anyone not understanding your exercise routine, your self-care ritual is your business. Do what works for you and never explain or apologise to a soul.

I'm so glad you are blogging and I hope I get to know you better and share your journey for a looooooooooooooooooooong time to come. Okay now I'm finally done :) I have a class to teach.


LeeLee May 13, 2010 at 12:12 PM  

I'm glad to see you today & I love your positive attitude! I hope you have a great day & Umm Never stop Blogging please? Thank you very much!
One Luv!!

Corletta May 13, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

You are amazing and have a very strong spirit! You're right, you can do this!!! Hang in there girl! By the way, I totally needed to read your last 2 posts! Go get um :)

Gabby May 13, 2010 at 3:42 PM  

I'm glad you're feeling better.
It's all an up and down kind of thing, but this is your new life, not a fad diet! Push through!

M May 13, 2010 at 5:09 PM  

It sounds so cliche, but we must take it "one day at a time." If I thought about how many miles I would actually have to run in order to train for my 10K or half marathon, I probably wouldn't want to keep going. Take care of yourself and love yourself a little more each day.

Anonymous,  May 13, 2010 at 8:22 PM  

You are so inspiring. You really motivate me to keep pushing on. I've been having a bad week and after reading your blog, I'm pumped and ready to go! Thanks!

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