How Low Can You Go

Lent and More

>> Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Many of you know that Lent begins today.  I have been looking at a new form of penitence.  I am not really down to give anything up, because I am going on vacation and giving up alcohol or sweets just seems unrealistic and I am not down with taking on something that I know will just get broken.  I went online and found a few things that seem new and innovative here is a few things I found interesting:

  1. Give up hitting the snooze button
  2. Give up your bed, sleep on the floor or a couch
  3. Give up hot showers
  4. Give up twitter or Facebook
  5. Do something nice/volunteer/something you wouldn't do for 40 days
  6. Donate all the change that you find around the house.
I really like these ideas.  I teach at a Catholic Girls School and Lent is a big deal here, because we always have a Lenten Project were we raise money for a women's organization somewhere in the world.  This year we will be raising money for the Demographic Republic of Congo through 60milliongirls.  I am going to see if I can set up an online donation link so that if anyone reading wants to donate a small amount they can.  Around the school we have different fundraising activities, it is really fun and gets the girls involved.  If anyone has any cool/fun fundraising ideas that I can do let me know.

I have come to the conclusion that for Lent I am going to write one letter everyday to a members on staff at my work.  I will try as hard as possible to keep the letters anonymous.  I wrote one today and I really felt great.  I told this person why they were a great teacher and why they are appreciated.  I am really happy with my choice and I hope that I can keep this up for 40 days.

On the health front, I ran my first race of 2012 on Sunday.  It was a 5K and I finished with a time of 33:21 not bad at all, my fastest recorded 5k time is 33:04 so I am very close.  Also this race was VERY hilly.  I am proud of myself and I am going to continue training, the next set of races is not until April.

I have not been feeling well these last few days so I have opted out of going to the gym.  My thoat is scratchy and I have a cough. I have been drinking lemon with honey and I am starting to slowly feel better.

Hope that everyone is doing well.  Have a great week!


safire February 22, 2012 at 11:45 AM  

I love those ideas! I would have a hard time giving up FB. I've decided to give up red meat for the duration of lent.

Dina February 22, 2012 at 12:13 PM  

I love your idea of writing letters to people! At some point I may do that myself. Great work on your 5k, keep up the training for the next round :)

Erin February 23, 2012 at 9:18 AM  

You killed it!!! And very awesome thought about the letters, good luck with it :-)

Maren February 23, 2012 at 10:58 AM  

I absolutely love the letter idea. People should do more things like that, and the world would be a happier place.

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