Detox Day 4: A Little Bit of a Cheat
>> Thursday, June 30, 2011
I had that department lunch party today and it was a big deal. Food was all over. I ate salad (ok), but it looked super suspect when there was all this food at the table. So I caved and had a piece of turmeric chicken and this pureed lentil side dish. I figured it would be the best thing to have. Am I a failure? No! I think I did amazingly well. I could have said to hell with it butIi didn't. Sorry if any of you are disappointed, but I still cannot believe I made carrot muffins last night without tasting anything and they came out smashing, so smashing that they were all gone today at work!
I am proud of myself that I have come this far and I am eager to move on to day 5 tomorrow. Still haven't hit the gym in any way, maybe this weekend.
Have a great night!