How Low Can You Go

Day 19: Nicknames

>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hanee Sensei

These are all names that someone in my 31 years on this Earth has called me at some point. To be honest I am not a fan of nicknames.  I will let certain people get away with calling me certain things, but they are exceptions to the rule.  When people ask me what I am called for short I answer Haneefa.  I just feel that when it is shortened it is not the same....

I did this KILLER leg workout in Saturday and for the last two days I have been walking like a Granny and I can barely sit down to go to the bathroom.  Today, I am a bit better but I cannot believe that a few sets of jump squats and jump lunges could have such an effect on my legs.  I think that I will be better to go to the gym later today.

Have a great day!


Tim September 21, 2011 at 1:47 PM  

Your name sounds so unique anyway to me that a nickname would spoil it. If that makes sense! (it does to me anyway :P )

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