M.A.C, The Gym AND An Award!
>> Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today I went to M.A.C to get a free eyeshadow (when you turn in 6 empty containers from MAC you can get a lip gloss, lip stick or eyeshadow free!). The funny thing about me and MAC is on a regular basis I do not wear that much make up, in fact I always walk in there asking all these questions and the ladies who work there must say to themselves, who is does chick think she is? She doesn't even wear makeup! The fun thing is when I go out I do it up. I have actually contemplated taking classes so that I could do other people's makeup on the side. I get a lot of compliments when I put my face on ;) Anyways I walked away with this
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
I am going to take a twist on this there are 6 lies that have an element of truth to them and one complete truth.
1. I can speak 5 languages; English, French, Japanese, German and Italian
2. I have eaten snake, octopus, goat and alligator
3. I have been to many countries including; Indonisia, Malaysia, Spain, England, Costa Rica and Venezula
4. I once modelled for a plus sized Canadian store but was let go for not shooting a lingerie spread
5. I was hit by a car my last year of high school and spent 3 months in the hospital, missing my prom.
6. I can play the piano, clarinet and saxaphone
7. In 2004, I won 150,000$ in the lottery but gave most of it away because it gave me too much stress.
******************************************************************************* Can you tell which is the truth?
Here are the six blogs that I nominate:
1. Christy @ Sarcastic & Sassy
2. LC @ Loving Me
3. anotherFATgirl @ just another FAT girl
4. mandy @ Finally Finishing It!
5. Eat to Live @ Eat To Live in 2010
6. M @ This Girl is Losing It (Even though she already got one, I have to give it to her! She is always there for me!)
These six blogs make me smile and even though I don't know you personally (yet*smile*) YOu always have great things to say and/or fantastic comments that help me. Keep up the great work and remember YES