How Low Can You Go

New Personal Best

>> Friday, December 31, 2010

Just came home from the 5k Resolution Run. It was fantastic! I finished with a new personal best of 31:30! Woohoooo! I ran the whole way not a single walking break, I am really proud of myself. Next stop under 30 mins!

Happy New Year's Readers! Wishing you all the best 2011 has to offer.You guys are really fantastic , you are always here for me with kind words and insightful comments. Thank you for that. I appreciate you more than I let on, you really keep me going, you are the drive behind this blog. Thank you!!! I also know that many of you read and do not comment, don't worry I know that you are there ;) Remember that you can do whatever you set your mind to. I love you guys see you in 2011!!!!

I Did It!

>> Thursday, December 30, 2010

I completed my monthly goal of 85k! Woohoooo! I have surpassed my goal and I still have my race tomorrow night. Looks like I will pass 90k. Yeah me!

Same Sh*t Different Pile

>> Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DO you realize that I have juggling the same 6 pound since July? Sad...

Blogging From An iPod Touch

>> Sunday, December 26, 2010

Got an iPod touch for Christmas and I installed a blog app and I am using it to write this post! So cool! Does anyone have a good app that I can use to blog from my iPod touch? I feel as though thisbone could be better... More to come later.....

15 in 15 Week 12

>> Friday, December 24, 2010

I am alive and I will have a real post for you in the next few days.  Week 12 is here and it is Christmas Eve.  I read a quote in the paper the other day that stuck with me:

A dieter at the table during Christmas dinner is like an alcoholic having an AA meeting in a bar.


I am at 211.6, TOM is here so I am not going to fret about that.

Have a Merry Christmas!


>> Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yes, I just rant 11.03K and it felt great.  I am only 20K away from my Dec. goal of 85 K, I know that I can do it. 

15 in 15 Week 11

>> Friday, December 17, 2010

   I actually think it is week 12, but that doesn't matter.  Although, life right now is not what it should be I am down to 209.2!  That is a 2.2 loss.  YEAH!  I have a Christmas party tomorrow, so I have to be extra good.  I am hitting those three classes in the morning to help.  Today we are performing our annual Teacher Christmas Skit for the students.  The theme is Jersey Shore (don't worry it is totally appropriate) and I am DJ Pauly D (Santa's Here!).

When A Woman's Fed Up...

>> Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am so fed up with life right now.  I am sure that my hair is going to start falling out again, I think that I am going to pull an Amber Rose and cut it all off. I.AM. SO. DONE.


>> Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4K run...didn't make it to Zumba...ate a bit too much cookie dough...tests to correct...exams to to to write and to plan...blogs to read...sleep

Short and Sweet

>> Monday, December 13, 2010

  • Ran 7 Km today and felt great only had to stop once for a minute because my side hurt.
  • So busy at work with exams coming, I am also in charge of the talent show, so I am auditioning students
  • Old man winter mad me late for Muscle Challenge again *sigh*
  • Still don't know what I want for Christmas....
  • I am excited to see all my friends who are coming home over the holidays!  Yeah!
  • Have a told you I LOVE YOU READERS lately? *hugs*
Have a great night!

Favorite Song Of The Moment

>> Sunday, December 12, 2010


"All of the Lights" by Kanye feat Rhianna is my new favorite song.  Check it out.  Gotta love the horns and the drums.

Another week begins tomorrow and Christmas is fast approaching.   I still donot know what I want and my family keeps asking, any suggestions? Maybe some running stuff.

Here is last weeks's workout review
M- Muscle Up , Zumba Missed them because of the weather :( 
T-Run with co-workers, Zumba A change in plans due to the snow day. Muscle Challenge
W-Hill Training Done and a run at work
T-Legs and Arms,Done Muscle ChallengeNope
F-Run at work Nope
S- Tight and Toned, Zumba and Muscle ChallengeAll except Muscle challenge it was cancelled
S-9K run Done!

Another 5 days of exercise!  Yeah!

This weeks look like the same.
M-Run maybe 6K depending how I feel and the weather,  Muscle Up , ZumbaHappy Sunday!
T-Run 4K, Zumba
W-Hill Training
T-Legs and Arms, Muscle Challenge
S- Tight and Toned, Zumba and Muscle Challenge
S-9K or 10 K run

More Snow

This is what the weather looked like at the end of my 9 K run.  Then temperature was a nice -1C BUT it is snowing heavily and the snow is beginning to turn to freezing rain. Let me tell you that today's run was not easy, because of the snow.  But I felt great when I was done and I am more than halfway to my 85K goal for Dec (check sidebar gingerbread men)!  If this snow keeps up there might be another snow day tomorrow, yeah!

15 in 15 Challenge Week 10

>> Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 10!  What!?  This challenge is not as easy as I thought when I first gave birth to it.  I am happy to see many of you are reaching the 10 pound to date goal and almost all of us have lost something.  I weighed in at 211.4 yesterday (up 1.4 from last week) and my computer is back and better than ever.  Don't give up now we still have 5 weeks, 5 pounds would put me at 206, that would be great!

Today I went to do my classes and I forgot my shoes, so I did both classes in socks. Hahaha

Tomorrow is the 9K run, yeah!

Computer Issues

>> Friday, December 10, 2010

Please leave your weigh in's here.  My computer is out being fixed :(

More Running

>> Thursday, December 9, 2010

   After the Arctic 6K run, I had running that evening with my group (I know I am crazy).  We did hill training and it was much better than the first time around a few months ago.  I can really see that I am improving and even though the scale is not moving (sushi weight is almost all gone), I am feeling so much better about my running.  I DO not to spend a bit of money and get some gloves my hands are suffering.

Next week I am signing up for the Half Marathon in Ottawa next May.  Yikes!

Damn Sushi & Running in Arctic Weather

>> Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Went for sushi last night, the scale was up 3 pounds this morning, that sucks right?  But, I went for a 6K run in -17C weather and I feel great! (Besides the fact that my hands can barely type this because they are so cold).

Tonight we are doing hills, I am not sure how that is going to go.

Wish me luck!


>> Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Since the weather outside is frightful, today is a SNOW DAY at school (work)!  Woot woot!  You know what that means?  I can actually do some exercise in the day!  Yeah me!  See, the glass is always half full overflowing.

Happy Tuesday!

I'm Just A Soul Whose Intertions Are Good...

>> Monday, December 6, 2010

  It took me an hour and a half to get to exercise class today.  I missed the first class. because there is a snow storm in our midst.  We are expecting 10 cm or more by the end tomorrow.  I am secretly wishing for a snow day tomorrow that would be so sweet.  I get to class #2 (Zumba) fifteen minutes late and I am the only one there and the teacher is leaving.  She offered to train me alone, but the weather was really bad, so I decided to go home.  This means no exercise for today. 


Get Me Some Jam, I'm On a Roll!

>> Sunday, December 5, 2010

      Maybe it is because Christmas is coming, maybe it is because I am feeling really good after the surgery, maybe it is because the scale is FINALLY going down , but I am full of energy and loving it!

I got up this morning for our group run, it was -5C (-13C with the wind)  when I heard this I wanted to go back to my warm bed. But I didn't.  I put on my newly purchased base layer pants and long sleeved top.  Another pair of running pants on top.  A long sleeved Reebok top on top, my socks, some gloves, a scarf and a headband.  Let us not forget my windbreaker jacket.  I was ready to run with Father Winter.

The first 10 minutes was cold, but that is normal.  I was told that you should always start of a little on the cold side so that you work harder, your body also increases by 10 degrees when you run, so you do not want to be too hot at the beginning.  After that I was sweating.  I was at the head of the pack many times and this was a great feeling.  A few months ago, I was at the back.  I am so happy that I am making improvements.  We did 9.5K!  AMAZING!  The road was super icy, so we really had to be careful.  Some of us treated ourselves to a hot chocolate and a nice chat at the end of the run.

What a great run, once it got started it was really beautiful.

How did I do with activity last week?

M-Muscle Up, Zumba Done!
T-3K, Zumba Nope!  Too tired
W-Run with co-worker Yes! 4.4K/Hill Training Not quite the weather was bad so we did a 4K run
T-Legs and Arms/Muscle Challenge Yes!
S-5K RACE!  Yup!
S-8K Nope, 9.5!

5 days of activity!  Excellent!

This week:
M- Muscle Up, Zumba
T-Run with co-workers, Zumba?
W-Hill Training
T-Legs and Arms, Muscle Challenge
F-Run at work
S- Tight and Toned, Zumba and Muscle Challenge
S-9K run

Looks like a busy week, I love it!  Holiday time is upon us, I know that many of you have Christmas parties, read this post to help you stay on task!

Happy Sunday!

Santa Shuffle: Fun Times

   This morning I ran the 5K Santa Shuffle.  The temperature was -2C with the wind it felt like -6C. 
On the way to pick up my race kit

The race itself was not bad.  The first 1.5K was all up hill and it was icy, I was cold and not a fan.  After that I started to warm up and kilometer 2-3 was downhill and I loved it.  We turn around at kilometer 3 and headed back uphill for the rest of the race, that was not so easy.

I finished with 33:50 not bad.  For a brief second at the end of the race I thought I was going to throw up because I always push to the max in the last 50 meters.

Tomorrow is my long run 8K.  My friend had the best quote for winter activities:

The is no bad weather, just bad clothing.

so if you are dressed properly, winter is your oyster!

At the beginning
At the end, you can't tell but I am sweating like a mofo.
Montreal, from the top of the Mountain

When I left the snow really started.

All in all a run time.  Next race, Resolution Run, New Year's Eve.  I REALLY want to be under 32 minutes!

Just came home from glow in the dark mini putt, SO FUN!

Santa Shuffle Tomorrow

>> Friday, December 3, 2010

     Tomorrow morning is the Santa Shuffle 5K run.  The weather man is calling for scattered flurries and a temperature of -2 C (28F),  I would like to get the race done in under 32 minutes and if I do I will treat myself to a manicure.  Have a great night!

P.S. Challengers we have lost 152.7 pounds! WAY TO GO! 

15 in 15 Challenge Week 10

Week 10!  Can you believe it! Have I lost 10 pounds, no, am I have fun, yes!  Today I am at 210.  Down 0.4 from last Friday.  I am just hoping that this baby loss means my mojo is back and I am ready for losses galore.  There are 5 weeks left, which means 5 pounds, that means 205.  I can live with that.

Have a great weekend!  I am a loser because I think I am going to order the Nicki Minaj M.A.C. lipstick that is only available on Friday's (because her album is called Pink Friday), the shipping is free today, so I have no excuses, Merry Christmas to me!

Exercise is the New 20

>> Thursday, December 2, 2010

  Today, was a good day. I felt strong and energetic.  I went to Legs-n-Arms class and there were 5 of us (one lady came half way through).  The instructor asked me if I ran track in high school, because I have legs like a track runner.  I told him that I had only played a bit of rugby in college.  I took that as a major compliment because track stars have great legs.
  We did tons of drop sets, start with 15 or 12 pound dumbbells and then drop to a lower weight for 3 or four reps. We performed lunges with bicep curls, squats, tricep work and more, it felt great, I was sweating like R.Kelly at a high school cheerleading practice.  The lady that came late asked the instructor if he could stay and work an extra half an hour to make up for her lateness.  He accepted and I told her that I would stay with her, if I could.  At the end of the Legs-n-Arms, another lady asked if it is true that I did 3 classes last Saturday (I guess word gets around).  I told her yes.  One of the men then asked me my age.  He says that the other man was convinced I was in my early 20's because I had so much energy (I told her that I just have no kids! Ha!).  I told him I was 30 and he said that I looked damn good.  I was smiling from ear to ear and I told him he made my night.

P.S. Hold the door open for someone today.


>> Wednesday, December 1, 2010

     I tried to reach 50K in November, but that was a baby fail, I made it to 28 K, not bad, not bad .  Now, December is here, I am back at it and I am hoping for 85K, I am going to register for the Ottawa Half Marathon in a few weeks, it is at the end of May, I am excited and nervous.  That will make one year of running.  Can you believe that!
  The next question is can I run 85K in December? Impossible? NEVER! Today I did 8K, hahahahaha, run and tell that, homeboy.  
     Can I just say that I hate when people tell me I can`t do something.  That makes me want to work harder.  Today at running I told a lady that I want to run a half in May.  She looks at me and then says, ``Ewwww, do you think you will have a enough time``  Yes, biatch, I can do it.  That is what people said about me in the 10K and look at me now biitchesssssssss!!!!  Don`t let those hater bitches get at you!  Whatever you wanna do you can do it!  You wanna run a 5K, get it!  I am gonna Barack you--- YES YOU CAN!
     I was reading an old VIBE magazine and at the back they had a section called 20 Questions, so I decided to do my own...

  1. Why do I always aim so high and not meet my goals?
  2. Is it just me or are cell phone charger cord too short?  Would it hurt to add an extra foot or two to the cord?
  3. Why is every movie in 3D now?  Enough!  Can't I just watch a movie the "old fashioned way"?
  4. Why are there no black shows on regular TV? Remember Fresh Prince? Family Matters? 227? Amen?  Even Sister, Sister. They need to bring those back or make some NEW shows showing black families with values.
  5. Can shoe stores please order more than ONE pair of size 10's, I hate that by the time I get there, there are none left.
  6. Did Haiti make a deal with the Devil and not make a payment?  My heart really goes out to them, Earthquakes, Cholera, botched election, to quote Warren G,"...damn, what's next?"
  7. Lil Kim vs. Nicki Minaj: Do we care?
  8. Speaking of Nicki Minaj, can someone get her a map or a globe or a history lesson: "I was a geisha, he was a samurai, somehow I understood him when he spoke Thai."  Ummm Nicki, samurais and geisha's are from Japan.
  9. Don't you notice that your phone will not ring ALL DAY and then when you are on the phone all these people are calling you?
  10. Why is the weather nice during the week and crap on the weekend?
Sorry, don't have 20, I have 10.

People at work say that I look like I lost more weight, little do they know that is not true. I guess it is because they didn't see me for a month.   I am still chasing 207 and I am not there yet. 

Lululemon is hosting another free Zumba class on Saturday with one of my favorite teachers, she stopped teaching because her son was very sick, but now he is better, so she is back to teaching, YEAH!

I am not sure how I am going to be after the race Saturday morning, but I have not had a class with her since May, so I am really going to try and make it.

Hope that everyone is having a great week.

P.S.Give something to someone today, make coffee for a co-worker, smile at a stranger, or let someone in ahead of you in line at the store.

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