How Low Can You Go

Me: A to Z

>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello Bloggies and Bloggettes!

I "stole" this from  I love these things! I made a few small changes from the original.

A. AREA CODE : 514
B. BED SIZE: Double

C. CHORE YOU HATE: Folding Clothes


E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: Tea, green or peppermint


HEIGHT: 5' 9''

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: Piano and a little clarinet
J. JOB: Teacher
K. KIDS: Nope
L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: A house... with my family


N. NICKNAME: Hanee Sensei


P. PET PEEVE: Ignorant people

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: You want the truth?  YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!(Sorry it was the only one that came to mind!)


S. SIBLINGS: 1 younger brother

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: . 6:30-7 am

U. UNDERWEAR: what does this mean? do I wear them? ummm yeah


X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: Chest... leg, when I got 7 stitches after cutting my leg open doing a box jump squat at the gym back in Dec.

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Lemon Loaf, that's not really food....hmmmm, chili?

When You Don't Feel Like Going To The Gym....

>> Monday, March 29, 2010

Read weight loss blogs!  Yesterday, I was NOT feeling the gym, I came online and read the blogs of a few of the people that I am following and BAM!  I was motivated to get my @ss in gear.  Try it!

I am 6 lbs away from 220, I can reach it, 220 you are so close, work...a little cleaner....and stay away from ......CHOCOLATE!

Dear 220, soon we will be together again! xoxo MissHaneefa


A half ass work out, is better than no workout at all!--MissHaneefa

Weight In and A Compliment

>> Saturday, March 27, 2010

After that weight disaster when I came back from my friend's bday earlier this week, I am at 226.4, up 3.6 from two weeks ago. Considering what the scale said at the beginning of the week (232), I am not mad.  Can't really complain I went down from Monday, so the glass is half full right?  I have been to the gym 5 days (not in a row) including today, once again aiming to go everyday next week.  I have a few days off coming up so I am going to try and go twice a day on those days, do my own thing in the morning and check out the classes in the afternoon.  I am good on that front.  I have to tighten up my eating, I can't help it that I LOVE sweets.  This is what I am going to work on this week.  It does not help that Easter is around the corner.  I am going to a Thai restaurant tonight so I will have to be careful.

A lady came up to me at the gym today and said I looked really good *SMILE* " You lost weight, " she said.  I thanked her.  That made my weekend!

What are you going to work on this week?

What do you do when a friend gives you a VERY belated bday gift?

 Buy a new high tech scale!   Today I bought a Healthometer Weight Tracking Scale.  It is really cool.  You can set your goal weight and the scale will tell you how much you have lost since you last stepped on it. The scale will also tell you how far away you are from your goal. For each 20% of your weight lost it will give you a *.  I am so excited.

Crack is a Hellova Drug

>> Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cause that is what I must be smoking to have done a bootcamp class followed by a spinning class!  My body was already hurting from the body bar combat and Zumba classes that I did yesterday.  On the up side I am doing alright, I am craving chocolate like a mofo this week and I finally figured out why; period is next week.

Go Get It!

>> Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Success doesn't come to go to it."
-- Marva Collins

Dusting Myself Off, Picking Myself Up

>> Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today was a better day.  Thanks to all  who commented on the last post. Your comments really make me fell better and realize that I should not be so hard on myself.   Today was a new day and I ate the best that I could and I went to the gym.  Damn, I hate going to the gym around 4 pm it is SO PACKED.  The worst is when you have your routine in your mind and you know exactly what you are going to do, but you have to change it up because EVERY machine that you want to use is taken.  I do weight my self at the gym because I trust that scale better than the crappy scale I have at home (Note to self--get a new scale).  I also realize that it is towards the end of the day.  Nevertheless,  I know how much I should weight at that time of the day to be "on track" with weight loss.  At least the scale was down today and I hope that the process continues until Sat.  I am sure that I will be up, but if I can be at 226 then I will be happy and can work on that.

Damage Control

>> Monday, March 22, 2010

This weekend was a disaster in terms of my weight loss.   I went out of town for my friend's 30th birthday.  She didn't know that I was coming and was extremely surprised.  We had a fantastic party, but you know what parties mean: fried food, cake, LOTS of drinks, no exercise (except for dancing!).  I had a great time, but today when I went back to the gym I felt as if I had gained weight.  I stepped on the scale saw 232. What is wrong with me that I can go up almost 10 pounds in a week?  I am not going to let this get me down for a few reasons, I have learned that as I can gain 5 pounds overnight, I can also loss it also.  This week I am going to be faithful with my regime, so that I can be down for Saturday's weight in.  I have already made progress by seeing treats and walking away from them.

I Feel Yuck

>> Thursday, March 18, 2010

I feel gross, I have been in the mood for chocolate covered pretzels all day.  I went to the store and picked a few up and I ate them.  I wasn't satisfied so I bought more and I ate them.  I am so sick now.

Did you know that Rhianna spends 1500$ a day on a trainer!  Damn, what money can buy....

A Guaranteed Way To Get Compliments

Those of you that have been reading this for awile, know that I said I would not buy any new clothes even though my old clothes are falling on the floor (Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with my pants on the ground!).  Anyways, when I went to NYC, I HADE to buy some stuff and I did in the right size. Size 16 thank you very much. I wore one of these pieces to work, a black pencil skirt to and I got SO many compliments!  Every second person was asking me if I lost weight and what I have been doing because I look great!  This made me feel so good.  If you are trying to lose weight and have lost a bit, buy ONE thing in your curret size and wear it, you will feel better and I am sure that you will get a ton of compliments.

Don't Forget to Rest

>> Monday, March 15, 2010

It hit me today that I have been to the gym 6 days in a row, so today I decided to rest.  My teeth are killing me from some work I have done last week, so it is hard for me to eat.  Hope everyone is doing well.

Mirror, Mirror, When Will I See What They See?

I was just looking at myself in the mirror and realized that in the last two years I have almost lost 50 lbs.  That is alot of weight. I have come a long way, but there is still a long way to go. Where did it come from? Where did it go? Don't get me wrong, I have kept track of the inches and I know WHERE it came from, but honestly I still look and feel like me.  I lost the weight for me, no one else.  My heart is stronger, it thanks me every day. To me I still look like the same person, still have the same smile, same face.  I know that I have lost weight, my pants are too big, my stomach  feels flatter.  But honestly I really don't see that much of a change.  People who have not seen me in awhile, ask me what I have done, they say I look great. But I really wonder what will it take for me to see it...

Size 10 Plus Sized? #Fail

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

I was catching up on my America's Next Top Model. There is a young lady who is "plus sized", ok fine.  The only problem is she wears a SIZE 10!  Come on!  No wonder young women today cannot be happy with there bodies.  To me size 10 is normal and in all honesty size 0 is not. Size 14/16 fine plus sized, but size 10? Tyra, I am not impressed, on another note Tyra has lost ALOT of weight, she used to look so lovely and curvaceous, now she is looking extra bobble-headed and sickly.

This week I will stay on track and not let any treats call my name.  I will go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I will try to eat my lunch at a reasonable time.  I will have a snack every 2 hours no matter what.  I will see a decrease in the scale.  I WILL!

By the way, Alice in Wonderland is really good.  I know some people are giving Johnny Deep flack about his role as the Mad Hatter, but I found that he was fantastic.

I was dying for a snack about an hour ago, so I had a cup of tea, nope still wanted something.  I gave in and had 2 tbsps of peanut butter, yummy.

What do you have as a healthy bedtime snack?

Remember keep your meals clean and your workouts dirty!

Weight In

>> Saturday, March 13, 2010


Yeah down 3.2, excellent!  I worked my ass of this week and I am happy to see that it payed off. I am going to go down again next week if my life depends on it, oh wait I won't be able to weight in because I am going out of town for a friends bday.

Remember to "spring forward" tonight for Day Light Savings, boo to losing an hour, yeah to more sun!

Happy Saturday!


>> Friday, March 12, 2010

Plyometrics is defined as a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength and elasticity of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal. Plyometrics is used to increase the speed or force of muscular contractions, providing explosiveness for a variety of sport-specific activities.

Today's circuit was a lower body plyometric routine. I can only describe it in one word--HARD.  I was sweating like R. Kelly at a High School cheerleading practice.  I swear I have not sweat that much in a long time.  I know that my butt is going to burn tomorrow.  Here is the routine:

  1. Walking Lunges --15 per leg holding 12 lbs weights (  This is officially the exercise that I hate the most)
  2. Box Jump--15
  3. Lateral Bound aka Speed Skater --20
  4. Bench Step-Up--15 per leg
  5. One-Arm Stiff-Legged Dead Lift --15 holding a 15 lbs weight
  6. Toe Raise on Step
  7. 5 minutes on the treadmill
Repeat 4x

Crazy!  Just typing it is making me sweat.

  I went to a restaurant with my friend for lunch, I was cautious about what I ate but I still feel gross.  I think there was milk/creme in one of the dishes.  Hopefully this does not affect weight in tomorrow, things have been so good.

Tonight I am going to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D, so excited!  I just watched the new video for Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce, interesting concept (Lady Gaga is in Jail and all the inmates dress as "funky" as her).  I have to give them credit for originality.  If like Lady Gaga and/or Beyonce (Tyrese Gibson is also in it for a minute) head over to my best friend YouTube and check it out.  I think that I will have to add the song to my workout list.

What song are you currently feeling on your iPod/MP3?

Uhh....Wanna Get Out Of The 220's

>> Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am so close that I can taste it!  I am a slave to the scale (I know it is so bad)  but I am 223 today and I want to get out of the 220's.  I think I can...I think I can...

Do You Get Love At The Gym?

>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I do!  I went back to the gym yesterday after being gone for a week and my spinning instructor asked where I had been!  I felt so loved.  I also got a text from a guy at the gym that I see often and he asked where have I been and if I was slacking on the gym.  I told him that I was on vacation, he was mad that I had a legit excuse for not being there ;)  Today was crazy, I did the second part of my circuit and this time I focused on the lower body.  This is what I did:

20 reps where done of each exercise
  1. Leg Press--140 lbs
  2. Plie Squat with a 30 lbs weight
  3. Seated Leg Curl--45-50 lbs
  4. Lying Leg Curl --40-45 lbs
  5. Standing Calf Raise--180 lbs
  6. Seated Calf Raise -- 45 lbs
  7. 5 minutes on the treadmill
I am really starting to love this circuit stuff, it really gets your heart going and the fact that you do not rest (except when you are heading from one machine to the other)  really keeps up your heart rate.  The above was done with minimum rest 4 times, after all seven exercises I rested for about 2 minutes.  By the end I was drenched in sweat and exhausted.  This was all done in the morning.  In the evening I hit the treadmill for 30 minutes and then the elliptical for 20 min.  I know that it seems like I am working in overdrive but honestly, I am giving it my all this week that I am home because I know that when I go back to work I am sure that I will nit have as much tome to exercise, so I might as well take advantage. Also I am really looking to win this challenge!  As you can see from the right, all my hard work is paying off, 3 pounds down, YES!  I am excited for the weight in on Saturday.

Let The Games Begin!

>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am entering the weight loss challenge at

Let us see how long it will take me to lose 10 pounds. Since I am home for the week I have decided that I will go to the gym twice a day, this should help with the challenge.  This morning I went and did a new weight training circuit that I got in the new issue of Muscle and Fitness Hers

Today's circuit consisted of the following, all exercises were done for 15-20 reps:

  1. Barbell Bench Press--I used the bar alone

  2. Barbell Overhead Press--15 lbs bar

  3. Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown--45-55 lbs

  4. Standing Dumbbell Curl--12lbs

  5. Lying Tricep Extension--12 lbs (No benches were free, so I did this seated)

  6. Exercise-Ball Crunch--To failure

  7. Reverse Crunch--To failure

  8. Exercise-Ball Bridge--To failure
I did this 4 times taking about a minute break in between circuits.  I then followed up with 30 minutes in the Stepmill.  If I don't win the challenge that's cool but I am going to give 150%!  Tonight I am going to head to Step Class and if I am not dead I will do Spinning.

Have a great day!  To all my new followers, thank you so much for following my page, I really appreciate it!

Back From Vacay

>> Monday, March 8, 2010

My little vacation was fun, it is always great to see a friend that you haven't seen in awhile.  Did a whole bunch of shopping in NYC, man stuff is so CHEAP there! 20$ dresses!  I will take it.  I am sure that I gained some weight but only the scale will tell tomorrow.  I hope that it isn't to much...

I am signed on for a weight lose challange, I need to be the first to lose 10 pounds, there are 5 participants.  I am a day late since I just came back today.  Tomorrow I will begin wish me luck!  I will let you know what my start weight is.

Another Reason To Workout

>> Thursday, March 4, 2010

Check out this Mastercard commercial, too cute.

The Truth Comes Out

In case you were wondering which of these were the truth, here it is:

1.  I can speak 5 languages; English, French, Japanese, German and Italian LIE- I can speak French and some Japanese, I also took a class in German but that's about it.
2.  I have eaten snake, octopus, goat and alligator LIE- I have never had alligator
3.  I have been to many countries including; Indonisia,  Malaysia, Spain, England, Costa Rica and Venezula--TRUTH!  I love to travel and I am lucky enough to have been to all these countries and a few more.
4.  I once modelled for a plus sized Canadian store but was let go for not shooting a lingerie spread LIE-- I did get a casting call to model for a company but didn't make the cut.
5.  I was hit by a car my last year of high school and spent 3 months in the hospital, missing my prom. LIE--I was hit by a car in my last year of high school and got to miss a Math and Economics exam but that was about it.
6.  I can play the piano, clarinet and saxophone LIE--  I cannot play the sax 
7.  In 2004, I won 150,000$ in the lottery but gave most of it away because it gave me too much stress.LIE--I wish I could win that much money!

Still in DC while my friend is at work I did the Jillian Michael's Trouble Zones Video, man it was hard!  I think that I am going to try the Biggest Loser Bootcamp one tomorrow.

Have a great day! 

Food Love and Hate

>> Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Allison at Doublechinned had this on her page and I thought it was an excellent idea.  List 5 foods that you used to love before your started eating healthier, 5 foods that you now love and 5 foods that you cannot stand.   If you choose to do this, tell them you saw it here!

Foods That I Used to Love

  1. Muffins--I used to have one of these a day (man it sounds like a drug), they are really not that good for me and I feel better that I have dropped them from my menu.
  2. Cereal-- Since I cannot have milk anymore I have dropped cereal, also I could never eat the amount that was recommended, I always had to have a huge bowl that was about 2 or 3 cups if not more.
  3. Bread--Carbs are my devil and I have to stay away from them if I want to see my waist get smaller
  4. Cookies--I LOVE loved cookies, especially oreos, I could eat a whole row at a time.
  5. Coffee--  I believe that coffee without milk should not be, so since I cannot have milk I have cut coffee from my life, it feels good not to be a slave to the caffeine machine.  Instead I drink a lot of tea, peppermint and green are my favorites.
Foods I Now Love
  1. Sweet Potatoe--   DELICIOUS!  Slice one of these bad boys up and place it on a baking sheet at 450 degrees celcius for 20 minutes.  Flip half way through. 
  2. Eggplant-- I usually roast these with red pepper in some garlic, olive oil and baslamic vinegar.
  3. Eggs and Egg Whites--I used to hate eggs, I would never eat them.  Now I had them for breakfast on the weekend when I have time.  Omelettes are so delicious.  eggs are filled with protein and they taste fantastic.
  4. Oatmeal-- Another great addition for breakfast.  Taste great with nuts and dried fruit or even a drop a vanilla.
  5. Nuts- A handful of nuts gives you a healthy dose of fats.  I love walnuts, pecans, sunflowers and almonds
Foods I Still Don't Like (Hate is such a strong word)
  1. Cottage Cheese-- I tried, I really tried, but I can't.  Many people at my work eat this with fruit, i tried and I can't.
  2. Ham-- I ate ham sandwiches almost everyday for lunch, so I cannot stand ham, in fact I stay away from any cold cuts in general, plus they're full of salt.
  3. Rice--  When I was 4 I told my mom that I hated rice, when i grew up I was going to move to somewhere where there was no rice.  She asked me where this was abd I said HAWAII!  Hahaha.  But honestly, I am not a fan.
I really can't think of anything else that I don't like.

Currently in DC chilling.  The train ride took 24 hrs instead of 15 because of an accident on the tracks. 

Hope everyone is well!

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