How Low Can You Go

Proud of Myself

>> Friday, February 7, 2014

   These my friends are the Al Ain stairs 

 A few weeks ago I started to run (walk) them. The first time I could only do them twice up and down and I swear it took me almost am hour. I set a goal of doing them 10 times. Well my friends, today I reached that goal!

I am so proud of myself! Woot woot! 

I then came home and made some sweet potatoe soup. I was worried because I have been looking for sweet potatoes in the United Arab Emirates for a few months to no avail, I finally found some today.

Such a great day! 

Now if only I could find kale that doesn't look like its grandmother died and cost a gajillion dollars, I would be a happy camper. Oh and FRESH spinach too.


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