How Low Can You Go

Ottawa Race Weekend

>> Friday, May 24, 2013

     Is finally here!  I am going to be running my fourth (!!!!!!!!!!!) half marathon this Sunday in Ottawa.  Still can't believe that.  I have been having some foot issues, but I am praying that everything goes well.  I am just hoping that I finish in one piece.  The weather is calling for rain so I am not too happy about that.  I will let you know how that goes.
Wish me luck!

From The Back Burner To The Forefront

>> Tuesday, May 21, 2013

     I have put my health on the back burner these last few weeks, because I have been dealing with the ADEC interview process.  Now that I am done and things are pretty much confirmed, I can back to focusing on me.  I do have the Ottawa Half Marathon this weekend and I am not as excited as I usually am.  I am more prepared than last year, but I am not as ready as the first year that I ran.  I will just pray that I finish uninjured.
     Before the big move in August I want to drop a few pounds.  

Step one:  Drink more water.

That is this weeks goal.  Drink 2 L of water a day.

Baby steps....

I Knew It Was Too Easy

>> Friday, May 10, 2013

     Things were going so great and I knew that it had to end somewhere.  I went for sushi last night and really tried to be on my best behaviour and control the portions that I ate.  Nevertheless, I left and still felt really full.  I am up on the scale and I am going to spend the next few days getting back to where I was.  I went to the gym today during my break and school and figured that 30 minutes is better than nothing.  Got in my 70 squats.  

Have a great weekend!

Another Good Day For The Books

>> Thursday, May 9, 2013

   Went for a 30 minute run with my running club after school yesterday, it was great.  The weather is perfect and I love talking to the girls outside of school, that is when you really get to know the students.  The girls are really starting to see improvements in their improvements.  Some of them couldn't even run for 2 minutes when we started and now they can run for 10 or more minutes without stopping. I then headed to the gym and did my workout. Stepmill, inclined treadmill walk, elliptical, squats.  I did my 60 squats for my Squat Challenge, tonight I am tackling 70.  My hamstrings are starting to burn, I think I need to roll them out on the foam  roller.
     Tonight I am going to a sushi dinner with my running buddy. I am going to be control my eating and not let the rolls get the best of me.  I am going to focus on the sashimi (fish only) and not eat too much.  I am so close to being out if the 230's that I am not going to let this dinner get the best of me.  It is only dinner right?  I am there to enjoy the company and the conversation, not the food, right?

     I have to do something about my arms, they are looking like a crying shame.  I am going to spend some serious time at the gym  getting them back into shape.  

  • bicep curls
  • hammer curls
  • rows
  • tricep kickbacks
  • overhead presses
  • tricep extentions
Have a great day!

A Great Day

>> Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Things are going really well on this side of the screen. I have been eating well, loading up on the fruits and veggies and staying away from the sweets. I have also been hitting the gym. I forgot my headphones at home, so you know what I used??? My cell phone head phones, worked like a charm.
I just want to say that I hate when they change the instructor of a class on you. I was all set to do bootcamp with Kareem and I show up and it is some other chick. I contemplated for a minute to go home, but I just hit the machines instead. I am so proud of myself!
Have a few challenges coming up (sushi dinner, school sleep over, Mother's day), but things are going so well that I am not going to let them get me.
Also did my 55 squats for the day, so far so got, not feeling the pain yet.

No Gym

>> Monday, May 6, 2013

     Didn't make it to the gym since Wednesday.   Thursday had to stay after school to help with the performing arts festival and then some of the teachers went to eat sushi.  The good thing is that I didn't feel overly stuffed when I finished eating.  I had brought my gym clothes to school and like a dodo I left them there.

I saw this on Twitter last night (@MissHaneefa), anyone interested?  I am going to start today!

Oh guess what!???  The scale is moving!!!!!!!!  YEAHHHHH!!!

*happy dance*

P.S.  Has anyone done Dietbet?  What did you think about it?  I am thinking of joining one, any info would be appreciated! 

Have a great week!

Change A Come

>> Thursday, May 2, 2013

     I was so sore yesterday that I had to power walk during running club.  No matter, I was still outside getting something done.  I was so tired that I didn't want to go to the gym.  I made myself go, I told myself that I only had to do 20 or 30 minutes and that is what I did.  I did 30 minutes on the Stepmill (sweating like a mofo) and I am happy that I at least did that.
   I am really making an effort to eat better so I tried these from the health food store (5.19$ for 4 burgers).

     They actually tasted pretty good, I could have added a bit of pepper sauce but  I was surprisingly impressed.  I ate two patties with a side of quinoa salad.

   The scale is starting to move, I am hoping to take the month of May to move back into the 220s.

Take it from me, it is never to late to get back on track.

I just wanted to say RIP to Chris Kelly from the group Kriss Kross. He was found last night and they are thinking it was a drug overdose.  I was a HUGE Kriss Kross fan back in grade 6.  I even had their second and third album.  I remember some biys in my class wearing their clothes backwars and I remember my friend and I pausing and rewinding the Totally Krossed Out tape to write all the words to Jump (back when not all tapes had the lyrics in the sleeve).  My prayers go out the his family. Mac Daddy, you will forever be jumping in our hearts.

Good Pain

>> Wednesday, May 1, 2013

     Ahhhh yes, that pain you feel the day after a great workout.  My legs are so sore that I have to hold onto the sink when I sit on the toilet.  The truth is...I LOVE IT!  I love that soreness in my legs, I love the pain in my abs when I laugh or cough. 
    Can I just ask why is it that I eat one meal I gain four pounds yet, I work out like a dog and eat well for a few days and the scale doesn't move?  #justsasyin

     Tonight we have run club, the weather here in Montreal is FINALLY nice.  And then I think I am going to head to Zumba and Body Design if I can make it.  

Have a great day!

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