How Low Can You Go

The Biggest Loser During March Break

>> Thursday, February 28, 2013

     Hello Strangers, I know that I have been MIA but I have been chillin like a villain, probably chillin a little too much.  Next week is my Spring Break and I will be off for two weeks, woo hoo.  Since I decided to not go on vacation (trying to get these finances in check) I came up with the genius idea to have a Biggest Loser style staycation.  What does this mean?  It means intense workouts, morning and evening (2 hours each set, mixing classes and personal workouts).  Eating like I am champ (protein shakes, lots of fruits and veggies and high on the protein).  

    Sidebar---speaking of protein, I don't know what is it but I am really not a fan of meat these last few weeks.  I have been eating fish, lentils and I think that I am going to try and jump on the tofu wagon.

I just want to all around shape up,  I have been in a funk and I really need something to help me get out of it and this could be that something.  I like this idea and I think that this may be the push that I need to back into the swing of things.

What do you think about my Biggest Loser March Break Idea?  Do you have any tips on things that I should do?

When Negative Thoughts Strike

>> Tuesday, February 26, 2013

   I am hard on myself.  Sometimes I get into this moods and all I can think about are negative thoughts.

  • I'm 32 and I have no man, no family, I am going to be alone forever.  What is wrong with me if I am over 30 and have no man?
  • I always feel like I am struggling financially, I am not a big spender, so what is wrong with me.
  • Why can't I just lose this weight.  I have been on this journey for so long and I have only come so far.
  • Why does my hair keep breaking?
These are questions that I always seem to ask myself and sometimes things get out of control.

I really try and talk myself out of it and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Not much else I can say to that.

Half Marathon Training Begins

>> Tuesday, February 19, 2013

   I hope that this post finds your well.  Many of you know that I enjoy running.  I ran my first half over 2 years ago and I have signed up for the Ottawa Half in May.  This week I am going to start training.  My personal best was 2 hours and 30 minutes and I am aiming to beat that this year. 
   Question for the single people out there:  How much do you spend week on food? I am taking a look at my budget and I am curious to know what a single person who eats on rather healthy spends in a week.  Let me know.

Sore Muscles=Happy Pain

>> Friday, February 15, 2013

     Hello World.  Yesterday, I had to take a break from the gym because my legs are broken from the three sets of walking lunges that I did the day before.  Funny how walking lunges are THE exercise guaranteed to make my legs scream in pain.   I am going to head back to the gym today, but I am going to have to take it easy on the legs because they are still in pain any time I sit, stand, walk, go up the stairs, go down the stairs, sit to get the picture.

     This weekend is going to be an uneventful one and part of my is thankful for that, I need some time to just rest.

     The hot yoga studio near my house was giving away passes for Teacher Appreciation Week and a coped a few and gave them out to people on my staff that are interested, they were so happy.  I love doing nice things for others.

Have a great weekend!


Still Here

>> Thursday, February 14, 2013

     I appreciate the kind words on the last post.  I am still here.  I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. SLOWLY.  In my job I am required to motivate students on a daily basis.  I have to make them care about school, themselves, life.  Yet, when it comes to motivating myself I struggle like nobodies business.

     I went to spinning last night and it was alright.  I am always amazed that the spinning teacher can make such a difference.  I did some walking lunges and let me tell you that those bad bodies are causing my some Valentines Day burn.

   A few years ago I posted this about Oscar Pistorius.  I really looked up to him.  today, I found out he is being arrested for shooting him girlfriend.  I am shocked on so many levels.  He is an Olympian and a role model to so many.  Violence against women has to be put to a end. PERIOD.

Happy Valentine's Day

Make sure that the loved ones in your life know that you love them.


>> Thursday, February 7, 2013

    That is how many pounds MORE I weigh this year than at this time last year.  I don't even know why I have this blog anymore.  It is suppose to be a WEIGHT LOSE BLOG instead it is a....I don't even know what is it.  I am not an helping anyone by no losing weight, including myself.
     I have good intentions, but obviously when I do nothing, nothing happens.  I know this, this is nothing new to me.

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