My THIRD Half Marathon
>> Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Last Sunday, I ran my THIRD half marathon. How did that happen? How is it that I have done THREE half marathons? I don't usually toot my own horn, but I am going to take a minute to do so. I have been running for a little over two years now and I am proud to say that I may not be the fastest, but I am so happy with what I have accomplished. Three half marathons, three 10k and a bunch a 5k races and I am still standing, I am still strong!
This race went much better than then that I did in May. My ankle was hurting a it, but not as much as it was in May. I had new shoes and I really think that helped. My only complaint was that I was cold. I wore a short sleeved shirt because I knew that I would get warmer and I expected the weather to warm up. The weather never warmed up and it was windy, since many parts of the race course was by the water. I finished with a time of 2 hours and 42 minutes. Not bad, not bad. I have to admit that I did not train (I know bad girl) and in fact the last long run that I did was the last half marathon race I did in May (hangs head in shame). I vow that I am going to run the Half next May in Ottawa I am going to train like a mother and come out with a new personal best.
Here are a few pics from the race: