600th Post: One Good Turn Deserves Another!
>> Thursday, August 30, 2012
I realized that I hadn't done anything yesterday. So I decided to dust of good old Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred, it really wasn't as bad as I remember. Man, you really sweat like a mofo inBy the way, the image for this post inspired me to go to the gym. My original plan was to hit the couch after work. Thanks for the motivation.
I have been looking for a new pair of running shoes. These are the ones I have my eye on:
Running Club
>> Wednesday, August 29, 2012
My goal is to have them run a 5K in November. I really think that they can do it. Wish me luck! Read more...
New Scale
>> Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Today it read 222.8 my goal is to get to 216 by Sept. 10 (my monthly weigh in) I think I can do it.
Have a great day!
Do Better Mondays
>> Monday, August 27, 2012
Inappropriate Questions
>> Friday, August 24, 2012
Inappropriate Questions
The Glass Is Half Full
>> Thursday, August 23, 2012
Highest of Highs and the Lowest of Lows
>> Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Two weeks ago I was elated, I had reached 217. Monday, it all came crashing down. I felt like the Canadian 4 x 100 relay team at the Olympics this year, when they thought they won the bronze medal and then realized that they were disqualified. I weighed in at 226.8. That is almost 10 pounds in two weeks. I have no one to blame for this but myself. I still can't get over how my body puts on weight so fast. It is really sad. How could have have just thrown away everything that I had worked so hard for...
Now that I have done crying, I realized that I have some serious work to do. I am going to the gym twice a day (and eating right) until I get back down to 217. It is not easy to get out of bed at 6 am to head to the gym. I do A LOT of the prep the night before. The first night I did it guess what I forgot to pack? No not my running shoes...no not my iPod...MY UNDERWEAR! So after I showered I had to go commando for the day (BTW why do they call it commando? Do people in combat not wear underwear? Just asking). I have been doing it since Monday for the last few days and it is not a joke. But I told myself I would do it and I am sticking to it.
I also found this on the Oxygen Magazine Website
#5 hit my when my friend told me over the weekend that she wants to start running because she saw what it to my body. I was so surprised that someone would look at me as an inspiration. When there are so many times that I feel like a semi-failure.
Happy Wednesday!
>> Friday, August 17, 2012
I would like to say thanks to Toot for her award. Since I already got one, I will answer the questions.
1. What is a major goal that you have been able to cross off your list this year? Get under 200 pounds.
2. If you could throw caution to the wind and hop on a plane to go anywhere (all expenses paid) where would you go? Bora Bora (French Polynisia) or Maldives.
3. What is your favorite color for this spring/summer? I love bright colors; pinks, oranges, teals
4. If you had $1 million to give to any charity, what would it be and why? (and YOU can't be your Charity of choice, lol) I would give it to a charity dealing with children.
5. What's your ALL time weakness - I mean the urge so strong you can't even resist? Does this mean food? I love chocolate or can I say a hot, tall, chocolatey man?
6. What your greatest accomplishment thus far? I always find this so hard. I guess that I would have to say graduating from University.
7. Your workout playlist, please share... SOCA! Loving this song right now....Call Meh by Olatunji (I love this riddim called Maserati, makes me think of Zumba)
8. What's your favorite workout (strength, cardio, circuit, or a specific dvd)? I like Bootcamp
9. If you could change your career right now, would you and what would you be? Yes I would, as to what I would do, I am not sure.
10. What's your healthy go-to snack? Fruit
11. What's one thing you've learned from blogging? Readers can be really supportive
So Where Do I Begin....
>> Monday, August 13, 2012

New Personal Best!
>> Friday, August 10, 2012
With all this Olympic talk going on I am proud to say that I have a new personal best. I reached a new (recent) low of 217.8 today. YEAH! I am hoping that I can maintain through the weekend even though it is my bday on Sunday (yikes). I am going to have to stay so focused. I did some cycling today and some inclined treadmill. By butt is hurting from the last two days of cycling. I hope that I get used to it.
I went to see Borne Legacy, it wasn't bad, WAY BETTER than Total Recall. Have a great weekend!
Rowing Is Not A Joke!
>> Thursday, August 9, 2012
Today I kept going with my Olympic Challenge, I did 30 minutes of cycling and 15 minutes of rowing. I have never really rowed before and after 5 minutes my lower back was on fire! I am sure that I did not have the proper technique. I just watched some videos on YouTube (hey don't laugh), trying to improve. I have to do it 7 more times to complete the rowing category so wish me luck.
Read more...Back In the Game!
>> Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I am finally back at 218. Now it is time to work on getting lower. My birthday is on Sunday (32 already!?) and my goal is to not gain over the weekend. I have been doing well, shakes for breakfast, omelettes for lunch and meat and veggies for dinner. My sweet tooth is still here, but I think that I am going to buy some Skinny Cow desserts to have at night when the sugar beast comes a knocking. At least then I would feel too guilty if I am eating a 100-200 calorie snack. I go back to work in less than two weeks and I would like to be 5 pounds down by Aug. 20. That would put me at 213.
I have Ultimate Frisbee again tonight, woo hoo! I have been getting my one hour of cardio a day in, but my heart is not into it. Maybe when I get back to work I will have a little more drive. They are having an Olympic competition at the gym for the month of August. Basically you need to do 8 workouts in each of the following categories: boxing, athletics, gymnastics, cycling, rowing and weightlifting. Each cardio box-esque class that you take counts are 1 boxing workout. For athletics, you have to do 30 minutes on a cardio machine. Zumba, pilates and yoga classes count as gymnastics, 30 minutes on a bike or spinning class, count as cycling. 15 minutes on the rowing machine will get you a rowing exercise. Lastly, 30 minutes of weight training will count as weightlifting. You can do more than one category in a day (ex. cycling and gymnastics), but you cannot do 2 of the same in one day (ex. if you do 1 hour on the treadmill, you will only get one ticket). I have been participating and I am having fun, it forces me to try classes that I usually would not. Feel free to do something similar, it really is fun.
What am I going to do when the Olympics are over? I am going to have so many hours of TV free...LOL
Eating Junk
>> Monday, August 6, 2012
The weekend is over *sad face*. Friday, I went to see Total Recall (it was bad, please do not waste your money or 2 hours of your life) and I ate so much CRAP at the movie theatre. I was so hungry and I had not had super so I had Burger King. I had a little bit of popcorn from my friend. Yesterday, I went to a BBQ and brought veggies and dip with me, because I figured at least that would be a healthy option to eat.
I saw a 3 pound gain and it is all my fault. I cannot resist the sweets. The trend is that I lose all week and then I h=gain it all back on the weekend.
I gotta do better....
>> Saturday, August 4, 2012
Happy Weekend Readers!
I saw this on on Dee's blog and decided to give it a whirl.
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves
Running in the Heat & Ultimate Frisbee
>> Thursday, August 2, 2012
Hello blog world! Yesterday, I met up with my friend to go for a run by the water. The idea seemed so beautiful, it was a summer day, we would be by the water... WRONG! It was 27 C plus humidity, it was way too hot. We ran about 5.5 K and then started walking. My ankle was acting up again, I really think I need new shoes. On the way back we decided to stop for an ice cream (don't look at your screen like that, we earned it). I had elephant tusk, which is chocolate and peanut butter. SO YUMMY.
We also passed a a mini water park on the way home and decided to run though it. Let me tell you that the little kids looked at us like we were crazy. I told my friend that we better leave before someone thinks we are paedophiles.
I had a quick dinner at her place, then I went to play Ultimate Frisbee. We ended up running walking 10.5K, not too shabby.
At Ultimate Frisbee, here I was thinking that since I was a sub I was going to be sitting on the sidelines chillaxing. NOPE! I was on the field constantly, it was a real workout. Next week I am going to wear my Garmin to see how many calories I burn. It was so humid that I was sweating like a mofo. They loved me so much they asked me to sub again next week! I had a really fun time.
Between the run and the frisbee, I was exauhted. My legs are on fire today. I am going to have to foam roll them at the gym.
Yesterday someone asked how many calories were in my Apple Pie Shake. I would say around 250; 100 for the apple, 50 for the milk and 100 for the yogurt.
Have a great day!
P.S I have 300 followers!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I am so happy! Keep reading I love you guys so much
P.P.S I am at 219! Yeah!
Happy Wednesday!
>> Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I have been spending most of my days watching the Olympics. I cannot wait for the track to start this weekend. I was asked to be an extra on a Ultimate Frisbee team! I am going to play in my first game tonight, I am super excited. Also going for a long run with a friend today.
Why does it take 2 seconds to gain 5 pounds but FOREVER to lose it????? Just saying.
Lately, I have been killing the following shake, I call it the Apple Pie Shake:
-1 apple
-1/2 cup skim milk
-1/2 cup yoghurt (I use vanilla)
-As much cinnamon as you like
-A bit of sweetner if you like
Grater apple and place in blender with all ingredients. ENJOY!
Have a great day!