How Low Can You Go


>> Saturday, July 28, 2012

   I went to a small family gathering and saw a few people that I have not seen in a long time.  One individual said my shoulders look really wide.  Really?!  Really!?  He asked if I lift weights, I said that I do, but it is not like I focus on shoulders or anything.  I told him that my shoulders are the same size that they have always been, but the rest of me is smaller, so my shoulders look wide.  I really don't think that I had to justify, but I did.  Sometimes I really wonder about people...  

So Annoyed

>> Friday, July 27, 2012

     I get to the gym all ready to work out. I open my gym bag and my gym shoes are missing! AHHHHHHHH!  So annoying.  I usually keep an extra pair of shoes in the car (this has obviously happened to me more than once), but I had removed them when I cleaned the car.  All this being said, I am home now, watching a little of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies (GO CANADA! GO TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO!).  I am going to get changed and get back to the gym.  I will watch more of the Ceremonies from there.  

     I love the Olympics so much, something about the countries coming together makes me so happy.  I love the diving, synchro, gymnastics, swimming and who can forget track!

Have a great weekend.

See What Happens When You Don't Pay Attention!?

>> Thursday, July 26, 2012

I stepped on the scale today and you know what it said?  I am up 5.4 pounds from last week. DAMN HOMEY!  How does that happen?  I have no one to blame but myself.  I have been eating without a care in the world.  Ice cream, Mexican, more ice cream.  I have also been absent from the gym.  The scale shook me awake and I have to get back on track and also drink more water.  I hope that things are going better for you guys. Take Care!

Thank You, Thank You, You Are Far Too Kind!

 I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to OverWeight In Sunny SoCal for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award.  Her blog is honest and she has been a great supporter of my blog.  I just want to thank her from the bottom of my heart!

The rules are as follows:

* Nominate 10 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging
* Let them know you have nominated them
* Share 7 random facts about yourself
* Thank the bloggers that have nominated you
* Add the versatile blogger award to your post

Seven Random Facts About Me:
  1. I am a mixologist at heart.  I love to mix drinks and whenever we have parties I am always the bartender.  If I had extra money lying around I would go and take a professional bartending course.
  2. My favourite drink is amaretto and cranberry juice.
  3. I love getting the best price for anything I am going to buy.I can never buy the first thing that I see it has to be on sale or at the best price once I have shopped around.
  4. If I had to watch 5 TV shows for the rest of my life they would be: Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Alias, Degrassi (the original, Oz and A Different World
  5. I sigh in my sleep, I always warn people when I share a room with them.  They say it should have I am having "really good" dreams.
  6. My favourite type of movies are horror, thrillers, animated and documentary.  I am also a big fan of foreign films. Recently, I was INCENDIES, a movie make by a Canadian director. It was nominated for an Oscar a few years ago for Best Foreign Film. 
  7. I love to read. I can polish off a good book in two days.  I just finished BOOK OF NEGROES by Lawrence Hill. EXCELLENT book, it is definitely one of my top five favourite books of all time.  Here is a little synopsis:
Lawrence Hill's fictional biography , The Book of Negroes , grabs the reader from the first sentence. Aminata Diallo lives in the village of Bayo in West Africa and, because her mother and father come from different groups, speaks both their languages. In 1745, at eleven years old, Aminata is stolen from her village by slavers and marched three months westward to the Atlantic Ocean. Once there, she is placed on a slave ship and transported to South Carolina where she is sold to an indigo producer. 

The girl endures hellish conditions both in the slave ship and on the indigo plantation, but is finally sold to a family her takes her to the infant city of New York. Aminata never loses her determination to escape captivity and to return to her village, but her life leads her into paths that she cannot predict. 

Hill not only tells a fascinating story, he also presents a very readable history of the conditions and economic levers driving slavery. The book takes the reader across continents, oceans, and countries, as well as through the factors that forced Britain to outlaw slavery at home and in its colonies.
Thanks for reading!

Anyone reading this feel free to post it on your blog!

When You Realize How Far You Have Come...

>> Monday, July 23, 2012

    Last Friday I went shopping with my mother.  We went to a plus sized store (that actually worked in at one point) and I decided to try on a dress in a 16, it was too big.  I tried another in a 14 and it also was a little bit too big.  I know that you are reading this and are thinking good for you big deal.  But you do not understand I used to wear a 20/22 from this store!  I really let out a smile when I realized this on Friday.  These are the moments that I love.

Did You Miss Me?

    I'M BAACCCKKKK!  I am all moved in and I FINALLY got internet at home so I can be back to posting on the regular.  On Friday I was at 218 and that is very good news, I had a crazy eating weekend so I am sure that I am up a few but I can live with that.  Caribana is in two weeks and I really wanted to be back to 209, but I am not sure that I can drop 9 pounds in two weeks.

I have been reading, but now I can comment!

Thanks for sticking with me!

Try Again Tomorrow

>> Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Yesterday, went well. I got up all ready for my 10k. During my run my Garmin died. So I cute the run short, ended up being 4k. I have put my watch to charge and I will try again tomorrow. Tonight I have Body Design class and I am going to see Brave. Eating is going well and I hope to be out of the 220s by the end of the week.

Deals With Make With Ourselves

>> Monday, July 9, 2012

I like to make deals with myself. For example, if you clean for one hour, you can relax the rest of the day. This week's deal is to try and go to the gym/workout twice a day until Sunday. I think that I can do it. This morning I did 45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weights. Tonight, Tabata. I am also trying to get my runs in. Tomorrow morning 10k. Wish me luck!


>> Thursday, July 5, 2012

I stepped on the scale at the weight loss clinic and it said 222!!!! I am so excited! Haven't seen that number in forever. All I can think about is getting out of the 220's and back to 209 and eventually passing that into onederland. The idea scares me a little. I'm still hitting the gym and running and I have been giving yoga a chance. Hope everyone is good and keep at it you can do it!

Peek-A-Boo: I'm still here!

>> Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hey strangers! I am so sorry that I have been away for so long. Between wrapping up the school year, moving and trying to get in shape for caribana, I have been neglecting my blog. The school year ended well, hopefully I will have some prom pics for you soon. The move also went well, now I am just trying to settle in. I have been hitting the gym hard since I have finished work for the summer and things are slowly going in the right direction. I hope all is well, and I am still reading! Thanks again for stopping by.

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