So Long Farewell
>> Saturday, February 26, 2011
I am off to Trinidad in the morning. See you in two weeks! (or maybe from the airport if I have wifi access)
I am off to Trinidad in the morning. See you in two weeks! (or maybe from the airport if I have wifi access)
Read more... My first question is; does Old Navy make their sizes big? I ask this because I went there today for some vacation stuff (it is the only store with decent priced summer clothing at this time of year) and noticed a few things:
- the size 16 skirt fit, but not as close as I want. I have made this mistake before and ended up with a perfectly new skirt that was too big, so I went with the 14.
- the xl shorts fit nicely, but had to really pull on that drawstring. I just could not bring myself to try the large, I'm not there yet, as silly as if sounds.
- still looking for that "skin iron" these thighs need a permanent press (memo to self when I get back)
I went to Winners (Canadian TJ Maxx) and all the xl tops I tried were very comfortable.
Do I sound surprised? Because I am. I just felt that because I have not been on top my game in the last two weeks I figured I would not fit into clothing as nicely. In all fairness I am only up about 5 pounds, but still it feels kinda nice to not give a sh?t.
Like I said in previous blogs, right now I cannot be bothered with writing down what I eat, making sure I have at least three servings of veggies, blah,blah,blah...When I come back from vacation. I will get my mind right, refocus with new goals and rewards. Regular blogs, exercise, food journals and really focus on dropping these last forty pounds. The half marathon is coming and I want to be lighter and fitter, which will hopefully translate into faster.
Happy Friday!
Today I made it to yogalates and Zumba, it is a start.
I had two people tell me today that I look good, I guess that is a good thing. A co worker also said that she never sees me eating anything bad (ha! I guess she wasn't there when I ate three cookies).
Still not into it, haven't even stepped on the scale. Not going to care until I come back.
I went to the store to look for some shorts/skirts to take with me on vacation. I was not impressed with how I looked. My legs look so jiggly. I am not impressed with them. I need to get them tighter for summer, this is not acceptable.
Read more...Hello Readers!
Today, I ran my first race of 2011. A lovely 10K, the weather was great and the route was beautiful, we ran near a golf course and it was very scenic. This race series has elite runners, I knew this entering the race. Many of these runners compete provincial, some are runners from Universities in the area. I had an amazing time of 1 hour 8 minutes and 7 seconds, which is a personal best for me. The sad news is that I came in SECOND TO LAST out of 257 runners :( and the last female. We did a 5K loop twice, there were times that I wanted to walk for a bit, but my pride would not let me. Runners were passing me and I was already at the back, so I couldn't bring myself to do it until I knew that no one was looping back. I have looked at other races put on by this group and even if I improve my time, I will still be at the bottom, that is how good this group in. Nevertheless, the point is for me to improve and this group will be good for me to do that. Next race in March 27th.
I have to give myself credit, last year at this time I had NEVER run a race (remember I started at the end of May). I have really come a long way. I am going to try and do some sort of physical activity everyday except Friday , before I leave for my trip on Sunday.
Have a Great Week!
I have been out of the game for a few weeks, between sickness and work, I am just not in the right mindset. I am not really watching what I eat, eating too many sweets and not enough veggies. Not eating at regular times and just plain tired. I still workout and run, but I always did that. My heart is really not into it. I just cannot be bothered, my head is not in the game.
I got some really bad news concerning work and that has been weighing on my mind lately, so I think that is what is adding to my lack of interest. I think I can only get back into the swing of things once I am back from vacation. Maybe seeing all those sexy women will motivate me to get my ass in gear once again. I would love to get rid of these final 40 pounds.
Have a great weekend!
I was so sick for a week, painful stomach cramps and migraines. I could not eat anything solid for a few days. Then I woke up one night with hives on my face. I was petrified. I took Benedryl. Luckily, by morning the hives were gone. Then, I lost my voice and it is still not back 100% and since I am a teacher, you know that my voice is not getting much rest. Besides that, I am starting to get back to my regular self.
Here are a few things I think you should know:
There was an interesting article in The Globe and Mail today. It discussed the possible correlation between childhood obesity and the amount of hours the mother worked.
The article basically said, in a study that screened 900 elementary school students in 10 US cities they found a direct correlation between the number if hours the mother worked and the increased BMI of the child.
This does make some sense. If the mother is working there is more chances that she cannot be home to cook a nutritious meal and is more likely to take her kids out for fast food.
What do you think? Is there any truth to this study?
Today I went and bought a new running top. Guess what? It was a LARGE! boooyaaaa! Take that cookies! Non scale victory for the books!
Look how happy I am. Take that scale *two middle fingers in the air*
My running buddy and I went out in the blizzard for a quick run today. It really wast that bad. There was snow on the street but the temperature was fine. Other staff at work thought we were insane, I loved it.
Did you know that February is heart health month?
Here are a few ways to prevent heart disease (and stay all around healthy)
1. Prevent and control high cholesterol-- eat a diet low in saturated fat and high in fiber, keep a healthy weight and exercise regularly.
2. Maintain a healthy weight. This is the one I need to work on .
3. Prevent and control diabetes. Maintain a healthy weight ( do you see a trend here?) and exercise regularly.
4. No tobacco
5. Moderate alcohol use
6. Regular physical activity. Thirty to sixty minutes a day.
7. Diet and nutrition. Eating fresh fruits and veggies (I must admit that I much better at this especially the veggie part ). Lowering/cutting the amount if salt you add to food and eating less saturated fat.
More heart info to follow this month!
Have a great night!
Welcome to all my new followers!
You know how much I love these things. I got this over at Sarcastic & Sassy
1. Handmade gifts? Love or hate? Kind of cheesy. If my guy made a necklace sure that would be great, but honestly I think I will pass. A handmade card is the only exception
2. Gift cards? Love or tacky? Love cards. When I give a card, I spend so much time reading cards to choose the right words for the person.
3. What type of theater do you frequent (like Cinemark, etc)? Since I live in Canada, I think that things are a bit different. I usually go to the Coliseum.
4. Coffee? addict, like, can't stand? Starbucks, home, other? I had to stop drinking coffee because I could not handle the milk. And coffee without milk is blah. I do have the occasional coffee, when I am in the mood.
5. Do you read? Books you've been wanting to read? Type of books you like? I love to read. I really like psycho thriller. my favorite author is John Saul. I am currently waiting or the final book in the Hunger Games trilogy.
6. 3 Favorite running accessories. Garmin, florescent orange running jacket and Lululemon alpin tight pants.
7. Kids? Ages? No kids.
8. Pets? Nope
9. 3 things you can't leave home without. Cell phone, wallet and watch
10. 3 Favorite magazines. Current subscription? Muscle and Fitness HERS, Oxygen and Women's Health
11. When you are in a running slump, what motivates you? Thinking about how far I have come and that I am running a Half in May!
12. Complete the sentence, "My favorite thing about running/exercise is __________"
The fact that I can just let my mind go.
13. Shoe size/t shirt size. Shoe size is 10, shirt size XL
14. 3 Favorite Valentine's candies. Cinnamon hearts! Hershey's Kisses and any dark chocolate with nuts.
Have a great day!
I lost the war against the cookies today and ate 5000000 of them. I didn't feel well (what did I expect) so no running for me. Tomorrow is another day.
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