How Low Can You Go

Where have I been?

>> Wednesday, August 31, 2011

   That is an excellent question.  Nowhere.  I wish that I could tell you that I was away or that my compouter was broken or that I was terribly sick.  Unfortunately, none of those things would be true.

     I have lost any once of motivation that I have possessed.  I go to the gym half assed.  I try to eat well, but that does not seem to work.  I am not drinking the water that I should be be.  At my lasy Weight Watchers weigh in I was up to 217, caca.

I don't know what to say (hence the lack of blogging).

I am going to try Aqua Zumba tonight and I will let yo know how that is and I have motivated someone at work to start running so we are working our way up to a 5K, then we will sign up for a race.

I have still been reading blogs and I thank you all for staying with me through this down time.  Sorry to disappoint. Hopefully I will be a better blogger in the near future.


>> Tuesday, August 30, 2011

     More to come!  Thank you for stopping by! I swear I will be better at this soon.

Weigh In

>> Saturday, August 20, 2011

   I'm still standing. I need more motivation to blog.  Maybe with going back to work I can blog more and have more fulfilling posts for all my lovely readers.

I weighed in at 211, so I am down 0.4. I gotta do better.

On September 17 two of my good friends are having a Pajama themed 30th bday party. This is my new motivation drop these lbs!

Have a great weekend!

Stepmill Challenge

>> Monday, August 15, 2011

I love the stepmill. That reverse escalator is also known as "suicide" amounts me and my friends. I usually do half an hour, I never thought about doing more. I was on twitter (@MissHaneefa) and someone tweeter that they did an hour. A light bulb went of in my head, why not work my way up to an hour. That is this weeks challenge; each day I will increase my time by five minutes until I reach one hour. Today I did 35 minutes and it was very doable, tomorrow it will be 40 minutes.

Do you like the Stepmill?


>> Thursday, August 11, 2011

     Bloggies! It has been too long.  I have been doing well.  Before I begin, let me give you some very good news.  I got a job!  Actually it is at the same school I was at before, a girl is going on maternity leave and has to take off early, so they gave me her job, she is in resource and it will be VERY different than being in front of the class, but I am up for the challenge.

I decided that I needed some new music to workout, same stuff everyday was putting a damper on my stairmaster swag.  Here are the song I downloaded in no particular order:

  1. Lighters --Eminem feat. Bruno Mars
  2. The Show Goes On -- Lupe Fiasco
  3. Party Rock Anthem -- LMFAO (BTW my mom loves this song, when I told her what LMFAO stod for she was appauled...When the song came on she said, "Is that the ABCD group?" HA!)
  4. Rolling in The Deep -- Adele (I have really been sleeping on Adele)
  5. Moves Like Jagger--Maroon 5
  6. The Edge of Glory -- Lady Gaga
  7. Bright Lights Big City --Cee Lo Green
  8. Motivation --Kelly Roland feat. Lil Wayne
  9. Mr. Saxobeat --Dr. Team
  10. Run the World (Girls) --Beyonce
  11. Till The World Ends -- Britney Spears
New music can really make a difference, check out these songs, if you have any suggestion sI would love to hear them.

On a side note, why are tickets to the Kanye/Jay- Z Thrown tour concert 270$ on the floor?  Why are they all sold out already?

I weighed in at Weight Watchers at 211.4 the 10 pound vacation weight gain is almost a dream.

Have a great weekend!


>> Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hey bloggerinos!
Hope that this post finds you well! I am slowly getting back on track from my vacation weight gain, I am about 4 pounds away from where I was before I went. I went to Mount Royal yesterday with a buddy an. She snapped this pic, I look so happy! I am trying hard to give it my all at the gym and watch what I eat and stay on course with Weight Watchers. This friday is my 31st bday, my family is asking me what I want and I have no clue. Any suggestions?

Hey new followers! Welcome!

I Must Remember How Far I Have Come

>> Friday, August 5, 2011

I found these yesterday:

Yup, that was me 4 years ago at Caribana, I can't get over how different I look.  I am so puffy, like a chocolate steam puff marshmellow girl.

Here are a few from this year, my friend has some great ones and when I get those I will post.

I have to admit that this trip put a few things in perpective.  Many more guys were coming to talk/dance with me and I felt really good about myself.  I was getting so many compliments.  I had lunch with a friend I had not seen in 5 years and he could not stop saying how good I looked.   The 10  pounds from the trip are coming off slowing and I am working really hard since my 31st birthday is next Friday!

I tend to be so hard on myself, I have to remember that i have come such a long way!

Happy Friday!

No Words

>> Thursday, August 4, 2011

   I am back from vacation and it was a disaster on the scale.  I gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  I am disappointed in myself.  I have to start at square one all over again.

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