How Low Can You Go

Grocery Shopping in The UAE

>> Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I went to the grocery store yesterday and it is so different than at home. First of all you know how in Canada you buy fruits and veggies and place them in the plastic bags and at the cash you enter the code and the price come up according to the weight? Well here you have to weigh them with a man in the fruit and veggie section, get a sticker and THEN gk to the cash to be scanned. The first time I didn't do this I just went to the cash and had to put all my fruits back because the line behind me was too long and I didn't want to wait in line again.

    Yesterday I got banana, mangoes, pomegranate, grapes and avocados. I saw the largest mangoes that I have ever seen in my life they were the size of eggplants!!! I also bought a small jar of natural peanut butter for less than 2$ Canadian. I am still having trouble in the yogurt section. I am not sure if when the yogurt says plain it is vanilla or plain. 

     I ran for 25 minutes on the treadmill. Skin am happy about that. I want to try 30 minutes tonight but outside. It is so hot I am not sure if I will make. I want to work up to an hour so that I can sign up for the 10l run in December.

   I am also trying to head to Zumba again tonight. 

Thanks for reading! 

Zumba in The UAE

>> Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello again!  Last night I went to Zumba at the hotel.  It was 10$ and very fun.  I worked up a sweet and I brought along my American friend who had never done Zumba before and she loved it.  I am not sure how long I am going to be at the hotel, but I would really like to look into taking some of the classes.  They have pilates, power training, water aerobics and more.  I don’t mind paying or even buying a pass but I don’t want to pay for a month or three if I am not going to be in the hotel that long.

Now that there is no more breakfast box, I have to be at breakfast at 5:30 am and I only have about 15 minutes to eat before I have to leave.  I try and have some fruit and some protein. Today I had watermelon and a piece of steak, coffee with milk and juice.  Living in the hotel and eating out all the time is killing me, but I am really trying to make it work.  I have to say that since I have been here I have not put on too much weight (maybe 5 pounds if that) and I am proud of that compared to some people.  Since it is so hot here it is easy to drink a liter or two of water a day compared to back in Montreal.  I hope that you are all well.  

Guess Who Is Back!

>> Monday, September 16, 2013

I am back!  I know you think that I have forgotten about you but I have not.  Most of you may know that I have moved to the United Arab Emirates to teach Science and that is where I am now.  You can follow that adventure at Black GirlIn Abu Dhabi.  I am still living in a hotel but at least it looks like I am going to be there for a few more weeks, so I have started to get into a routine and I am getting back to the gym.  Since I am living in a hotel you can only imaging the food that I am eating.  Terrible.  I am trying to get to the grocery store and buy a few fruits and healthier snacks to keep in the tiny hotel fridge so that Ican have a little something healthy to eat.
   There is a 10k and a half here in Al Ain (I live in a city an hour and a half outside of Abu Dhabi) in December and I would love to run the 10k (I do not think that I can train for a half in 3 months).  I am pretty sure that I am going to sign up for it.  Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes on the elliptical.  I am going to attempt to run outside today for 25 minutes but I hope that the heat doesn’t get the best of me.  I get up at 5 am to go to my school because it is an hour and a half south, so there is no morning gym for me, but I am going to try and go right after school.  They also have Zumba in the hotel for less than 10$ a class once a week.  There is also a running group that I am looking into joining so that I can get back into that.
I have a bit more time at school to post so I will do that more often now.
Take Care!

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