How Low Can You Go

Slowly, slowly

>> Saturday, October 12, 2013

     Life is looking like some kind of normal. I got my fridge my stove (still have to get a pot and pan set). I went and bought some groceries; fish, fruits, veggies and unsalted nuts.  We are on a 9 day vacation because of Eid, so when I get up in the morning I have been doing Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred. Things are looking much better.

Thanks for the continues support! 

Stepped On The New Scale

>> Monday, October 7, 2013

 I bought this fancy smancy scale at IKEA last week:

It is a scale and a clock, cute isn't it?  I knew I had to buy from the time that I saw it.  I steeped on it this morning and saw 243. To be honest I thought it was going to be much worse.  I think when I left home a month ago I was around 237-238.  Also, I was once 272 so I think that I can deal with this.  Now that I have an apartment and by the weekend I will have a fridge and stove, I will go and make groceries, start to cook and make yummy, healthy lunches this number will go down.  

I have to now get up at 5 am to leave at 5:45 am.  This morning when I was leaving I saw two ladies running, I was so jealous.  When I get home from work it is still too hot to go.  I am going to have to work something out to get back on track.

Thanks again for reading!

Trying to Get Back Into It

>> Sunday, October 6, 2013

     I have been in the UAE for little over a month and my physical activity has become non-existent since I started working.  I have had enough of this.  This week I am moving into my apartment and I am looking to get some routine back in my life.  There is a fitness group that holds classes at a school near me and I am going to check them out later this week and unless they are terrible (I don't see why they would be)  I am going to join and try to go every night to various classes that they offer.
   I am getting my fridge and stove delivered on Thursday, so I will be able to cook again!  Yeah!! No more eating out, no more hotel living, I am so excited!

Thanks for staying with me!

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