Gym Flow
>> Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Let me start by telling you about last weekend. We celebrated my father's 65th birthday and it was great. Except for the fact that I suffered from a terrible migraine. Up until three years ago, I had never had a migraine. Now, I get them about twice a year, I have concluded that it is probably due to the change in pressure when the seasons change. They are absolutely terrible, the lights have to be all off in the room and all I can do is lie down, usually I have to stay home from work. I am lucky that they only last a day. I truly sympathize with people who suffer from migraines on a regular basis. The one that I had this weekend was the worst I have ever had. Because of the party, I really tried to put on a brave face but by 10:30 pm I had to go to my parents room and lie down. Since the party was still going on downstairs, the volume was so loud with people talking and laughing, as well as the music. At midnight, I finally told my parents I had to go home. My mother was really sad to see my go, I felt terrible.
The next morning (Sunday), the pain was still there. I had to cancel my 12K run and just lie in bed in pain. I finally send a text to my parents that they had to come over and bring me something for my head (I hate taking medication that I do not have to take). I am sure that they knew things were serious because I NEVER ask for help. They came with some Advil gel caps and the pharmacist said to take 3 every 4 hours. I did and by the end of the day I felt so much better.
On to yesterday, feeling like a new person, I went back to the gym, trusty polar in hand on wrist. I did 30 minutes on the stepmill, 30 minutes inclined walking on the treadmill and an hour Tabata class. For those who done know Tabata is:
• 4 minutes long (whole Tabata Session)
• 20 seconds of intense training
• 10 seconds of rest
• Total of 8 sessions or rounds
After the whole workout (1h and 54 minutes) was done I burned....1164 calories!!!!! Damn homey!
My polar has proved a few things to me:
- I work out hard (it is nice to have a machine confirm what you know)
- I am regularly in the cardio heart rate zone (and sometimes over)
I am taking 30 students in a race today. I cross my fingers that they do well.
I want to talk about one last thing.
When I started this blog, I did it because I wanted to share my story and be part of a community that was like minded in losing weight. I also knew that many black women didn't work out and there wasn't tons of blogs about black women trying to lose weight (this was back in 2008). I never thought that my blog would be a resource that people turn to. Honestly.
I looked at my blog stats yesterday and realized that one of the keyword search terms that bring up my blog up on google is "African american weight loss blogs". When I typed it in my blog comes up THIRD. I was floored. In all honesty I never looked at myself as a role model (I still kinda don't) for blacks (or anyone for that matter) trying to lose weight. I was just being me, telling about my trials and tribulations in trying to get fit. We have shared so many firsts, my first 5k, my first 10k, my first half marathon. When I tried hot yoga, pole dancing, cross fit. This really has been an eye opener for me. I sometimes forget that this is the internet and I can reach so many more people that I think I do.
Thank you to everyone that reads, I do appreciate it. I want to thank those who comment even more. You have gotten me through some hard times. Blogging has been a positive experience for the most part and even though there have been times I wanted to close up shop, I am still here, I am still standing, I am still strong (Antoine Fisher voice).
If you have any comments feel free to leave them.
Would LOVE to here what you think about what I just said.