How Low Can You Go


>> Wednesday, November 14, 2012

     I am in a bad place, a really bad place.  I have zero motivation to do anything.  All I do is go to work, come home, watch TV and go to bed.  I don't want to blog, exercise or eat properly.  Things are out of control and I do not know what to do.  Today is day 14 of Hot Yoga Challenge and I have been about 8 times.   I just don't care.  I don't want to talk to my friends or family.  I cannot be bothered to make groceries.  I went for a trim on the weekend and she cut my hair unevenly.  So I had to go to another hairdresser and get my hair cut to even it out.  I was really trying to grow out my hair and now I am back to square one.  I hate it, I can't even look at myself in the mirror.  I know that it is only hair and eventually it will grow (who am I kidding, my natural hair grows as fast as molasses going up a hill in January).
     I don't know what I need but I need something. 

Slowly, Slowly

>> Friday, November 2, 2012

   Hello bloggers, I hope that this post finds you well.  Yesterday was a really good day.  I went to a really great Bootcamp class at the gym.  I really love this teacher, she works us so hard. She used to teach CrossFit and incorporates a lot of those exercises unto her class.
     Yesterday, was also the first day of my 30 Day Moksha Hot Yoga Challenge.  I did this challenge last year an I really liked it.  The challenge is to do 30 hot yoga classes in 30 days.  The class was tough, I haven't done hot yoga since the summer.  Funny thing is that the room wasn't as hot as I remember, that is a good think right!??  I struggled a bit with some of the poses, but that is my intention for the month to increase my balance and flexibility.  
     I am going to see Dj Jazzy Jeff tonight!  I am so excited!  The 90's was the B-E-S-T!  R and B, reggae, hip hop!  What more that a girl ask for!  Hands up if you remember: SWV, 702, Total?  Did you kill 112's "Cupid", jam to Warren G's "Regulate"?  YESSSSS!!!!!!  If I ever get married this is what I am going to be jamming at the wedding!

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