How Low Can You Go

Thanks Mother Nature

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2015

   Things were going so well and then Mother Nature steps in. I am up 1.4 from last week, I need more water, more gym time and less chocolate.

Inshallah, I will have better results next week. 


>> Saturday, March 14, 2015

    I am 6.4 pounds down since I started my dietbet on Monday. I am ecstatic. I went out to a friend's birthday dinner in Dubai and I looked great. 

  I am also happy to report that I made excellent food choices. I had one drink (passion fruit Mojito), spicy tuna as an entree and a Kobe beef salad for my main dish. I also only had a few bites of bday cake (in all honesty it tasted nasty). 
    I am pissed because I made it to the gym today but I left my earphones at home. I swear I have to learn to keep a pair in the car like I used to at home. I think I am going to in earths in a pair of wireless earphones too. I am almost out of the 250s this is very exciting. Once I am back in the 230s then it is down to business. I think I was 233 or 238 when I moved here a year and a half ago. so getting back to that number will be great. Have a great weekend. 

Month 1

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2015

   The bad news is I only lost 2.6 pounds this week, the good news is a loss is a loss. I also lost 3.2 pounds from last weeks high so that is good. This are going well, but the real test will be this weekend when I head to Dubai for mug friends bday dinner and the drake concert. Yikes! 


>> Monday, March 9, 2015

   I joined a Dietbet. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is an online forum in which a group of people pledge to lose 4% of their weight in 4 weeks. You have to place a 'bet' usually 25-50$ mine was 30$. Everyone that reaches their goal, splits the pot. Right now there are 124 players at 30$ each. I have to lose 10.3 pounds to meet my goal. Even if I don't get to the goal, I think this will be a cool event.

Wish me luck! 

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2015

   I don't know what came over me these last few days, I just didn't care anymore. As a result this weeks weigh in was 4.4 pounds more than last week. How does that even happen??? Oh well there is no use crying over spilt milk. I just have to pick myself up and continue from where I was. I went back to the gym today and I am really trying to get these 4 liters of water in. Next week is one month and although I was dreaming of a 10 pound, I will settle for 5. 

700 Post!

>> Friday, February 27, 2015

   Post number 700! Thank you reading. Today is a detox day. Went to a game night last night and had a few too many drinks and snacks. That is ok, because I still gotta live right? So today, first thing I did was hit the gym and sauna. I am drinking 4 L of water and juicing for the day. Juicing trying to purge my system. I made a yummy juice yesterday: 

1 beet
3 carrots
3 stalks of celery
1 inch of ginger 

Refreshing and it gave me a little boost of energy.

Have a great weekend! 

Short And Sweet

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2015

     This came up on Instagram while I washing in my bed after work taking a little rest.  I quickly reposted it and forced myself to go to the gym.   I did 30 minutes of cardio and a little bit of weights, I am so exhausted today that I am actually surprised that I got out of the bed at all, a half assed workout is better than none at all right?


>> Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today was my weekly weigh in and I down 0.8. Since I had a wicked weigh in last week I am down 3.8 pounds. I am on my 2 pound per week schedule. 

   I am going to get back on the juicing train this week. My old juicer died (rip) so I am going to buy a new one tomorrow. I am going to try and juice for one week and see how that goes. My absolute favorite juice is pineapple, lemon and ginger. Yummmmmmm! 

Here I am at the gym about to kill some dead lifts. I love working legs. Have a great week! 

Not Giving Up

>> Monday, February 23, 2015

   I have been in a foul mood lately, I don't know why. I am tired and don't really want to talk to anyone. Although I would love to lie in my bed and rest, I got up and went to the gym.

   Legs are starting I look a bit slimmer but that midsection, oh lort. Glad for those breasts to balance me out. Maybe I need to look into a waist trainer...

Back at It (Again)

>> Sunday, February 22, 2015

  What is that saying? Fall down seven times, get up eight? Well I am back at it again. My old scale was fluctuating so much that I decided to buy a new one and I was right, the old scale was 10 pounds off! Yikes!

I am back on a serious regime, working out an hour a day during the week and more on the weekends (I don't have time for more than that). Plus, I tend to stick with it more if I know that I only have to be at the gym for a short amount if time. 

My short term goal is to drop 25 pounds (10% of my weight) and my long term goal is to drop 40 pounds by August. Trying to get back to 212, what I weighed on my 30th birthday. It is not impossible but it is going to take time and determination. I am drinking more water, but I can still do better. I am eating more fish and less crap. 

Last week was week 1 and I dropped 3 pounds. I am aiming for 1 pound this week, so that I can stay on a 2 pound per week loss. I also read that one should drink half their weight in oz of water. That translates to me drinking 4 liters of water a day. I can say that I drink 2 L so I am going to try and drink more.

Wish me luck.  I will try and update a little more often. 

Take care. 

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