Hot Yoga Revisited
>> Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Hello! I hope that this post fines you all well. I have been back on the hot yoga bandwagon because my studio is giving 5$ karma classes every weekend in June. I love hot yoga but at 20$ a class and 100$ a month for an unlimited membership, I find it impossible to be a member. I have been taking advantage of the Community Classes (taught by a hot yoga teacher in training, also 5$) and Karma classes during the week. If you are interested in trying hot yoga I would suggest that you look for a karma/community class in your neighbourhood and try it out.
Yesterdays class was a power class (Very cardiovascular, constantly flowing through poses, more advanced postures) it was so hard that by the end I thought that I was going to throw up. I didn't and I felt great after.
Hope that everyone is having a great day!
Hey :)
I'm not sure you remember me. I had a blog a few years ago, and we used to follow each other. Anyway, I've just started another one, and saw you on my old blogroll - you're still blogging, I can't believe it - good for you :)
Anyway, I'll be reading again! My new blog is at:
Talk soon :)
regular diet along with the exercises makes the body fit...
Dieting should never be harmful to our body. Losing weight is never an easy task that's why to help by providing sensible information.
I've never liked the term dieting, but prefer calling it a lifestyle change. Dieting is too periodic and it makes you think of starving the body which can often lead to more harm than good.
My friends had trouble losing weight to but they have finally found a system that works for them at this site
I totally agree with Alison. Dieting does not work, but a change of diet does work. It's not easy, buy gradually get rid of the bad stuff, introduce some good stuff,make it a habit - that works.
Thanks, it did find me well. I'm in China right now!
Good article, Did you know that most people are actually overweight because they are malnourished? Get the facts about fat and losing weight by visiting =>
Calling it a lifestyle change is much better then a diet. I agree 100%
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