How Low Can You Go

Hot Yoga Revisited

>> Wednesday, June 19, 2013

     Hello!  I hope that this post fines you all well.  I have been back on the hot yoga bandwagon because my studio is giving 5$ karma classes every weekend in June.  I love hot yoga but at 20$ a class and 100$ a month for an unlimited membership, I find it impossible to be a member.  I have been taking advantage of the Community Classes (taught by a hot yoga teacher in training, also 5$) and Karma classes during the week.  If you are interested in trying hot yoga I would suggest that you look for a karma/community class in your neighbourhood and try it out.
     Yesterdays class was a power class (Very cardiovascular, constantly flowing through poses, more advanced postures) it was so hard that by the end I thought that I was going to throw up.  I didn't and I felt great after.

Hope that everyone is having a great day!

Morning Run

>> Monday, June 10, 2013

     Things are winding down at work at there are only a few more weeks left until it is all over.  This morning when I woke up something in me wanted to go for a run.  I got dressed and headed out.  I had to walk about 15 minutes before the Garmin kicked in.  I ended up doing a short run, but I felt great.
     Still have a goal of dropping 10% of my weight before heading to the UAE.

Ryan Gosling Is Waiting At the Finish Line...Topless

>> Tuesday, June 4, 2013

     This was the best sign that I saw during my half marathon in Ottawa two weeks ago.  Ottawa race weekend is the best.  This is my third year running and I would run every year if I could.  The WHOLE city gets involved, there are kids cheering you on, signs along the route, people screaming your name (TWO people actually said my name this year!).  The race is so organized and it is such a pleasure to run.  If you live near Ottawa or have the chance or are thinking of participating in Ottawa race weekend DO IT!  Be advised that if you want to run the half, get your bib by December because it sells out FAST!  This year there were almost 12 000 people running the half.
Waiting in line for my bib

We arrived Saturday and headed to the Ottawa Convention Centre to pick up our bibs and check out the race expo.
Everything was super organized and it only took me a few minutes to get my bib.
Even numbers are lucky!

Saturday evening the 5k and 10k races took place.  I went  to cheer on a few friends running the 5k.  Since our names are on the bibs I called out a few strangers names and cheered them on.  I find it so funny because most people forget that their name is on their bib and look at me and I am sure that they are scanning their brains to remember where they know me from, when really I can just read :)

5k Racers
Me on Sunday morning all smiles

Sunday was cold windy.  I was in short sleeves but I really should have been in long sleeves or a jacket, but I am an idiot and only brought this top.  I don't know what was wrong with me when I packed but I could not find my water belt (I am wearing a friend's) and I left my Garmin and home.  What the heck is wrong with me!?

The race itself wasn't my best, actually it was my worst.  I hit the 10k mark at 1 hour 19 minutes, which isn't bad, but that is when shit hit the fan.  The bottom of my feet strated to hurt and I had to run most of the race on my heels (I have made an appointment to se a podiatrist next week).  When I couldn't do that any more I walked.  To be honest I started playing little games with myself.  Just make it to the next kilometre marker I would tell myself.  Just make to the next water station.  You can do this.  I thought I was so behind and then the 2:30 pace bunny passed me (if you want to finish the race in 2:30 then you run with this bunny).  I was actually was surprised and then I was like hmmmm, maybe I can actually finish this face in a decent time.  Then the 2:45 pace bunny passed and all those dreams were dashed.

By this point, I was at km 13 and I just wanted to finish.  18 km is always where I get depressed because I can hear the finish line but I still feel like I am so far from it.  I kept looking our for the 18 km marker.  When I saw a marker coming up I was so happy.  Then I looked closer and it was the 19 km marker.  Woooo hooooo!  Only 2 km to go.

I finally made it to the end with a time of 2:59.  Terrible in my opinion, but you know what?  I did it.  At the end of the day that is all that matters!

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