Hot Yoga Revisited
>> Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Hello! I hope that this post fines you all well. I have been back on the hot yoga bandwagon because my studio is giving 5$ karma classes every weekend in June. I love hot yoga but at 20$ a class and 100$ a month for an unlimited membership, I find it impossible to be a member. I have been taking advantage of the Community Classes (taught by a hot yoga teacher in training, also 5$) and Karma classes during the week. If you are interested in trying hot yoga I would suggest that you look for a karma/community class in your neighbourhood and try it out.
Yesterdays class was a power class (Very cardiovascular, constantly flowing through poses, more advanced postures) it was so hard that by the end I thought that I was going to throw up. I didn't and I felt great after.
Hope that everyone is having a great day!