How Low Can You Go

Finally Joined A Gym!

>> Monday, October 30, 2017


So I have finally joined a gym.  I joined the YMCA near to  my house.  I can walk there in 15 minutes of take a 10 minute bus ride.

I went yesterday and did some hour and cardio.  Today I am going to try some of the classes.

Hope everyone has a great day!

I Am Back!

>> Sunday, September 3, 2017

   So after living in the United Arab Emirates for four years I am back and I am going to come back to this blog.  I am at my highest weight ever and it is time to change that.  My very good friend is getting married next summer and the goal is to get back to 200 pounds as possible.  Join me as I take on the challenge to getting sexy(er) for August 2018!

Thanks Mother Nature

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2015

   Things were going so well and then Mother Nature steps in. I am up 1.4 from last week, I need more water, more gym time and less chocolate.

Inshallah, I will have better results next week. 


>> Saturday, March 14, 2015

    I am 6.4 pounds down since I started my dietbet on Monday. I am ecstatic. I went out to a friend's birthday dinner in Dubai and I looked great. 

  I am also happy to report that I made excellent food choices. I had one drink (passion fruit Mojito), spicy tuna as an entree and a Kobe beef salad for my main dish. I also only had a few bites of bday cake (in all honesty it tasted nasty). 
    I am pissed because I made it to the gym today but I left my earphones at home. I swear I have to learn to keep a pair in the car like I used to at home. I think I am going to in earths in a pair of wireless earphones too. I am almost out of the 250s this is very exciting. Once I am back in the 230s then it is down to business. I think I was 233 or 238 when I moved here a year and a half ago. so getting back to that number will be great. Have a great weekend. 

Month 1

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2015

   The bad news is I only lost 2.6 pounds this week, the good news is a loss is a loss. I also lost 3.2 pounds from last weeks high so that is good. This are going well, but the real test will be this weekend when I head to Dubai for mug friends bday dinner and the drake concert. Yikes! 


>> Monday, March 9, 2015

   I joined a Dietbet. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is an online forum in which a group of people pledge to lose 4% of their weight in 4 weeks. You have to place a 'bet' usually 25-50$ mine was 30$. Everyone that reaches their goal, splits the pot. Right now there are 124 players at 30$ each. I have to lose 10.3 pounds to meet my goal. Even if I don't get to the goal, I think this will be a cool event.

Wish me luck! 

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2015

   I don't know what came over me these last few days, I just didn't care anymore. As a result this weeks weigh in was 4.4 pounds more than last week. How does that even happen??? Oh well there is no use crying over spilt milk. I just have to pick myself up and continue from where I was. I went back to the gym today and I am really trying to get these 4 liters of water in. Next week is one month and although I was dreaming of a 10 pound, I will settle for 5. 

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