How Low Can You Go

The Last Few Days

>> Tuesday, April 16, 2013

     The last few days have been so crazy.  Life is really taking me to places I never thought I would go, I will let you know more about this soon, all I can say are there are BIG changes happening in the next few months. I don't want to say too much until things are a little more sorted out.  Here is a recap of the last few days.


  • I went to see Oprah!  She was amazing.  Especially for me with where I am in my life right now, her words really got me thinking about myself and my life.  I went with my mother and I had an excellent time.  The tickets were a bit pricey (120$ for the nosebleeds) but it was worth it.  My only regret is that I did not take any notes.  I saw a woman in front of my taking a few notes on her iPhone but I just wanted to sit back, listen and reflect, I really regret that now.

  • We had a snow storm here in Montreal.  I was not impressed. Snow in April, no bueno.  I had to drive downtown to get a police check for my new endeavor (like I said earlier more on that to come).  I hung out with my friend who lived closer to downtown so I wouldn't have to tackle the highway in the crazy weather.  We ended up eating at a yummy taco restaurant that is a food truck in the summer.  If you live in Montreal check out Grumman 78 in the Place St-Henri area. I especially loved the BUFFALO BITS salad/chicken wings.  The salad was had blue cheese, walnuts and green apples.  YUMMY!

  • Did nothing.  I watched Dexter (my new obsession) and chilled out. Was suppose to go for a 16k run, but my running buddy postponed until Sunday.

  • Running buddy cancelled, luckily I had another friend waiting in the wings.  Went for a 16k run that turned into a 17k run and it was horrible. Around 10k I got a stitch in my side that went away for a bit , but then got worse.  Eventually it felt as if I had an ice pick stuck in my side and I had to walk.  Then we encountered a crazy hill.  Then my ankle started to bother me.  The I felt nauseous.  Let me just say that shit hit the fan on this run and I had to walk the last 3k.  I was sweaty, cold and it was windy.  I could not wait to get back to my car.  I swear I wanted to cry. But at the same time I thought to myself that i didn't give up and I did it.  I think the reason that I felt so sick was that I did not eat enough that morning, I am going to have to rectify that in time for the race.
  • I am proud of myself that even thought my training is not at its best, I am MUCH MORE prepared this year than I was last year.
  • That is another thing that I took home from Oprah on Thursday, I am really trying to focus on the positive these days.  Even when people at work or friends say something, I really try and look at the positive in the situation.  People are noticing

  • Went for a 3k run with the running club, even though the only ones that showed up were me and another teacher.  It was a beautiful day so I didn't mind.  It made me happy when I realized that I had almost run the half distance in two days.
  • Shocked at the news of what happened at the Boston Marathon.  I have never run a marathon, but I have done a few halves and marathons are usually being run at the same time.  I know what it is like to be at the finish line tired, but happy.  I can only imagine the chaos that ensued yesterday.  My prayers are with everyone who was touched my this tragedy.
The scale is finally moving. HALLELUJAH! 


Honeybee April 17, 2013 at 1:32 AM  

It looks like you had a great week! I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic incident in Boston. My prayer goes to all who are affected.


Deborah April 23, 2013 at 6:25 AM  

A great week you had but spoiled by certain events. Such a sad time in Boston at present. Love and prayers xx

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